All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 651-675 of 778
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-01 福建南部的香花僧與靈寶道士 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(208)
2018-11 儀式、道壇與宮觀:當代道教復興的多樣性與典型 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(266)
2017-08 閭山三奶法:台灣北部道法二門的小法事 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(332)
2017-12 歷史與當代地方道教研究:回顧與展望 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(300)
2016-05 醮:歷史與當代地方道教研究 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference pdf(127)
2016-11 贛東北道教靈寶派科儀文獻 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(205)
2017-11 靈寶仙壇:浙南地方道教科儀文獻初探 CHEN-YUAN LIN、CHEN-YUAN LIN conference web page(283)
2011-10 A comparison of Taiwanese tonal processing by young attriters and fluent speakers JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Yeh, Chia-Hsin conference
2018-05 Analysis of errors in Mandarin disyllabic tones produced by Japanese learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference
2014-03 Cognitive process analysis of Chinese relative clauses: An eye movement approach JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Sung, Yao-Ting、Cha, Jih-Ho、Wu, Ming-Da、Lin, Wei-Chun conference web page(435)
2011-04 Effects of language attrition on tonal changes JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Yeh, Chia-Hsin conference web page(336)
2013-12 Empirical research on the processing of Mandarin tone JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference
2013-03 Loanword prosody and second language acquisition JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference
2018-05 Native speakers’ perception of Mandarin lexical tones in contemporary pop music JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wong, Janice Wing-Sze conference web page(337)
2014-08 On the processing of relative clauses in Chinese as a second language: An eye-tracking study JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Cha, Jih-Ho、Wu, Min-Da、Sung, Yao-Ting conference web page(347)
2014-05 Processing Chinese relative clauses in L2 speakers: Evidence from eye-movement JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Peng, Chun-Yi、Wu, Ming-Da、Lin, Wei-Chun、Cha, Jih-Ho、Sung, Yao-Ting conference web page(277)
2013-10 Processing of Chinese relative clauses by l2 speakers: Evidence from eye-movement JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Wu, Ming-Da、Peng, Chun-Yi、Lin, Wei-Chun、Cha, Jih-Ho、Sung, Yao-Ting conference
2014-05 Production of Mandarin disyllabic tones by Japanese learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference
2013-03 Taiwanese tone sandhi in loanwords JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Davis, Stuart conference web page(257)
2012-10 Taiwanese tone sandhi in loanwords JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference web page(268)
2013-12 Tonal errors of disyllabic words in Mandarin by Japanese learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference
2013-05 Tone sandhi in loanwords in Taiwanese Southern Min JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh、Davis, Stuart conference web page(248)
2017-06 二語學習者中文關係子句的認知處理歷程 JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference
2017-11 日本留學生漢語雙音節聲調發音偏誤類型 JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference web page(310)
2017-09 兩岸文字語言態度調查:初探臺灣社會對簡體字的觀感 JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-Yueh conference