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Date | Title | Author | Type | Full Text(downloads) |
2024-01 | Weixin Shengjiao’s Ways of Using Culture and Religion to Bridge the Gap | YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen | conference | pdf(79) |
2024-01 | 從龍山寺到媽祖廟的港口宗教生態 | YU-CHEN LI | conference | |
2023-06 | 慈濟志工培訓過程的性別分工 | YU-CHEN LI | conference | |
2024-11 | 退溪先生論《大學》析論 | FENG-YUAN CHEN | conference | pdf(35) |
2024-11 | The History of Taiwan: Korea’ Relations and the Current Status of Korean Studies in Taiwan | MAL-SOON CHOI | conference | |
2023-06 | 大家長主義 vs.反大家長主義:密爾論自願為奴、深思熟慮以及言論自由 | KUANG-MING CHENG | conference | pdf(26) |
2024-11 | 「心—事—物」的倫理認知結構 —以「萬物皆備於我」論孟子的萬物觀 | 黎競檜 | conference | pdf(26) |
2024-11 | 以孟子的「良心」重估理性尊嚴觀下的《世界人權宣言》 | 黎競檜 | conference | |
2022-11 | 從儒家理念的遷化看馬華文化主體性:以吉隆坡仙四師爺廟為主 | 黎競檜 | conference | web page(22) |
2024-11 | 十六、十七世紀東亞醫學知識的國際性與在地性——以《東醫寶鑑》為例 | HSIU-FEN CHEN、HSIU-FEN CHEN | conference | pdf(39) |