
Showing 1-25 of 151
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
1996-10 After Democracy What`s Next for Taiwan 嚴震生 conference
1996-08 Some Practical Measures to Improve Korea-Taiwan Relations 嚴震生 conference
1996-08 From Cooperation to Competition and From Competition to Cooperation: Some Practical Measures to Improve Korea-Taiwan Relations 嚴震生 conference
1996-07 The Search for Parliamentary Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of the South Korean and Taiwanese Efforts 嚴震生 conference
1996-06 Gongmin Toupiao in Taiwan: Will Local Practice of Referendum Evolve Into National Level of Plebiscite? 嚴震生 conference
1996-05 The Hong Kong 1997 Factor in Taiwan`s Future 嚴震生 conference
1996-01 The Dynamics of Sino-Russian Relations 畢英賢 conference
1999 Impact of NATO Eastward Enlargement on the Cross-Strait Relations 湯紹成 conference
1998-06 從歐洲的經驗探討我國公民投票入憲的問題 湯紹成 conference
1995-11 Transparency: the Views and Practice of the ROC 鄭端耀 conference
1996-06 務實外交與中華民國對外關係 鄭端耀 conference
1995-11 Transparency: the Views and Practice of the ROC 鄭端耀 conference
1997-08 Dying But Dying-Hard:Taiwan`s Multi-Member District with SNTV Electoral System 吳東野 conference
1997-01 後冷戰時期德國亞洲政策之研究 吳東野 conference
1996-04 Regional Economic Integration through Market Strategies of Transnational Corporations: Allying with Taiwanese Industries for the Greater China Market 劉復國 conference
1994 兩岸科技交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1993-03 海峽兩岸文化交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1993-03 海峽兩岸文化交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1992-12 中國大陸民辦高等教育之展望 劉勝驥 conference
1992-12 中國大陸民辦高等教育之展望 劉勝驥 conference
1998-01 中國大陸城市下崗職工問題 江振昌 conference
1995-08 中國大陸地區發展失衡問題:對中共政策之評估 江振昌 conference
1998-01 中國大陸城市下崗職工問題 江振昌 conference
1995-08 大陸農村婚姻流動及其社會影響之研究 江振昌 conference
1995-08 中國大陸地區發展失衡問題:對中共政策之評估 江振昌 conference