All Of Publications(Limit:2016 Conference papers、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 51-75 of 144
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016 蔣介石個性與寧波地域文化 賀淵 conference 說明頁(533)
2016 武漢會戰統帥對決:蔣中正與畑俊六的比較研究 蘇聖雄 conference 說明頁(629)
2016 蔣中正對戰時閻錫山與日軍謀和之態度與防範 何智霖 conference 說明頁(605)
2016 日記與戰後東北接收 高純淑 conference 說明頁(653)
2016 日記中的女性觀 柯惠鈴 conference 說明頁(648)
2016 關於民國人物研究的幾個問題—以蔣介石生平思想研究狀況為例 楊奎松 conference 說明頁(653)
2016 日記與函電中的“剿共”博弈:以西南與蔣介石為中心的考察 羅敏 conference 說明頁(649)
2016 蔣介石日記與《事略稿本》中的現代國家觀 張智瑋 conference 說明頁(629)
2016 全球化世界格局中的華夏共同體 許倬雲、Hsu, Cho-yun conference 說明頁(655)
2016 蕃心與華心: 唐宋變革時期華夷觀的演變 張廣達、Zhang, Guang-Da conference 說明頁(556)
2016 清代中國的互市通商制度 廖敏淑、Liao, Min-shu conference 說明頁(652)
2016 The making of China`s image of respoinsible debtor, 1901-1925: the depreciation of Sterling, Austrian loans and gold franc 張志雲、Chang, Chih-yun conference 說明頁(791)
2016 Reinvigoration and assimilation: Shakespearean adaptations of traditional Chinese drama 姜翠芬Jiang, Tsui-fen conference 說明頁(960)
2016 Temple destruction campaigns in modern China: an assessment of their impact 康豹、Katz, Paul R. conference 說明頁(987)
2016 Labor market structure and local cadre behavior: up or out effects in the Chinese government 耿曙、龐保慶、鐘靈娜、Keng, Shu、Pang, Baoqing、Zhong, Lingna conference 說明頁(871)
2016 Delicacies for a privileged class in a risk society: the Chinese Communist Party`s special supplies food system 蔡文軒、Tsai, Wen-hsuan conference 說明頁(853)
2016 Private entrepreneurs as a `Strategic group` in Chinese Polity Gunter, Schubert、Heberer, Thomas conference 說明頁(877)
2016 法治,法治國和依法治國 蘇文欽、Su, Yeong-chin conference 說明頁(613)
2016 改革政策與立法引領間的博奕:中國大陸立法法修正之檢視 王文杰、Wang, Wen-chieh conference 說明頁(607)
2016 Rule of law與新常態下大國法治之間: 中國式法治憲政的結構分析 鈴木賢、Suzuki, Ken conference 說明頁(928)
2016 Toward innovation in social governance? Popular protests and state responses in Xi`s China 王信實、邱韋智、Wang, Shinn-Shyr、Chiu、Wei-chih conference 說明頁(866)
2016 Rumors and social protests in China 蔡永順、周媞媞、Cai, youngshun、Zhou, Titi conference 說明頁(828)
2016 The development mode of new energy in China: Gansu and Inner Mongolia compared 曾聖文, 王振寰:Wang, Jenn-hwan、Tseng、Sheng-wen conference 說明頁(862)
2016 Precipitation control and politics of cloud water governance via state-led weather modification: case study of authoritarian China 簡旭伸、洪冬力、林博雄、Chien, Shiuh-shen、Hong, Dong-li、Lin, Po-hsiung conference 說明頁(867)
2016 Opportunities and challenges of cross-strait economic internation: Ma, Tsai and onward 童振源、葉家興、Tung, Chen-yuan、Yeh, Jason J. \\H. conference 說明頁(990)