All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 451-475 of 9448
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 經濟學2000 : 跨世紀新趨勢 霍德明 conference
2004-04 Analyzing Convertible Bonds: Valuation Optimal Strategies and Asset 廖四郎、H. H. Huang conference pdf(6893)
2006-11 捍衛第一自然:當代台灣原住民文學中的原始生命力 孫大川 conference
2007-05 佛陀對婆羅門祭祀思想之批判 黃柏棋 conference
2005-11 The Cult of Vet?la and Tantrism 黃柏棋 conference
2004-04 宗教融合的理論與實踐:以早期基督教為例 蔡彥仁 conference
2004-02 全球化與宗教研究:再思伊利雅德(Mircea Eliade)的「新人文主義」 蔡彥仁 conference
2003 Canon Made and Canon Revealed: An Interpretation of Luo Qing`s Wubu liuce 蔡彥仁 conference
2002-06 二十一世紀的新人文主義:以世界宗教的知識教育為構想基礎 蔡彥仁 conference
2006 伊斯蘭與宗教社會學的對話-以韋伯論述為核心 蔡源林 conference
2005-01 Envisaging India -An Essay on Zimmer, Eliade and Dumont 黃柏棋 conference
2005 The Malaysian Chinese Discourse of Islam Law in 1980s~1990s: A Study on the Politics of Cultural Identity 蔡源林 conference
2005-03 Religion and Violence: Reflections on Communal Conflict between the Muslims and the Hindus in India 黃柏棋 conference
2004-06 Kingship Language Canon and Epic. Buddhism and Sinhala Consciousness 黃柏棋 conference
2004-02 From Agnihotra to Homa: The Transformation of Fire Sacrifice in East Asian Esoteric Buddhism 黃柏棋 conference
2003-09 凝想印度-試論茲繆(Zimmer)、伊利亞德(Eliade)與杜蒙(Dumont) 黃柏棋 conference
2006-06 Desirelessness and Quiet-sitting: Idea and Practice of Spiritual Cultivation in Ming Neo-Confucianism 蔡彥仁 conference
2006-03 斯馬特論宗教與宗教研究 蔡彥仁 conference
2004-06 Conflict and Reconciliation: Reflections on Religious Syncretism Comparative Philosophy and Just World Peace 蔡彥仁 conference
2006-12 The empowering experiences of elderly people participating voluntary services 粘羽涵、謝美娥 conference
2006-12 Adaptation problems among divorced single-parent adolescents: From the ecosystemic perspective of resilience family functioning and support sources 謝美娥 conference
2007-07 推動我國長期照顧十年計畫:社工人力培育之挑戰 呂寶靜 conference
2006-10 我國社工實習教育的現況與發展方向 呂寶靜 conference
2006-11 為高齡社會作準備:社會工作人力需求與培育 呂寶靜 conference
2003-01 影響緊急救援通報服務使用因素之探討:以「建構長期照護先導計畫」之實驗社區為例 呂寶靜 conference