All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 8901-8925 of 9448
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002-07 Estimation of the number of true hypotheses in multiple testing : application to gene microarray data HUEY-MIIN HSUEH conference
2002 開發數位元內容交易平台技術以促進華文數位內容產業 SE-HWA WUMU-YEN HSU、賴裕晶 conference
2007 The Combinability effect of semantic radical in reading Chinese characters JIE-LI TSAI、Cheng Y. Y.、Lee C. Y.、JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI conference
2001 The Management`s Role in a Market-Oriented Organization:The Effect of Management Leadership Styles JYH-SHEN CHIOU、Chang,Tung-Zong、Su-Jane Chen conference pdf(3394)
2000-12 從理一分殊觀朱熹易學與環保哲學 曾春海 conference
2003-11 青少年的自私行為及其相關背景因素之探討 CHUNG-HO WANG conference
2008-02 Climate change or global warming: How does government expand its persuasive power via scientific discourse in E-government system? YI-HSING HAN、Han, Yi-Hsing conference web page(294)
2002-12 在女性與母性之間:五○年代以降台灣女性散文的流變 FANG-MING CHEN conference
2008-07 近代大學中的經學教育 HSING-CHIEN CHE conference
2000-04 多元智慧在大學班級經營課程之研究 CHUING CHOU conference web page(481)
2007-08 Robust Multipose Face Detection in Video WEN-HUNG LIAO conference
2006-07 數位化媒體教育課程實驗初探與省思:以中正大學中正e報為例 CHIUNG-WEN HSU conference
2004-11 老眼驚看新世界:從《水竹居主人日記》看日治時期保正的生活與休閒娛樂 呂紹理、Lilu, Shao-Li conference
2006 A tabu search algorithm for a flexible flow line with unrelated parallel machines and with a bottleneck stage CHUEN-LUNG CHENCHUEN-LUNG CHENCHUEN-LUNG CHEN conference web page(1045)
2002 概念型創新的動態擴散-複雜理論觀點 SE-HWA WU conference
2005 Hedging Labor Income and Inflation Uncertainties through Capital Market in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes 張世杰、CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Hwang Ya-Wen conference
2006-08 Exploring the curvilinear relationship between HPWS and organizational performance in Taiwan 紀乃文、YEH-YUN LIN conference
2008-03 Building Up the Creative Teaching Environment: Collaboration of Teachers, School and Family for Enhancing the Creative learning Culture CHU-YING CHIEN conference
2008-09 全球化趨勢下的反全球化力量──談埃及穆斯林兄弟會的伊斯蘭復興運動 CHIU-TI CHAO conference
2003-12 由圖書資訊學教育標準探討碩士生的專業學習 MEI-LING WANG conference
2000-11 台灣兒童劇團的促銷 CHIH-PING SSUTU conference
2004 Citizen Relationship Management: An Exploratory Review of Online Complaints Handling at Taipei City Government in Taiwan NAIYI HSIAODON-YUN CHENTONG-YI HUANG conference
2007 個人—工作適配量表發展:多元構面觀點 WEI-CHI TSAI conference
2006 圖書館自動化管理流程之研究-以嶺東科大為例 洪瑞文、李美文 、洪勝偉、林坤億、林志銘 conference pdf(310)
2008-05 原住民地區發展生態旅遊問題與對策之探析~以新竹縣尖石鄉馬里光部落群個案為例」 AI-CHING YEN conference