All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 9176-9200 of 9448
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-06 Linguistic manifestation of human thinking process: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese 賴惠玲、高惠珊 conference
2006-05 戰後初期的臺灣形象:1948年臺灣省博覽會 呂紹理 conference
2006 替代螢幕鍵盤與常用字預測功能對重度肢體障礙者在掃瞄模式下中文輸入成效之研究 陳素瑩、葉耀明 conference pdf(106)
2004-11 飄浪女的戀愛幻想-讀林芙美子《浮雲》 黃錦容 conference pdf(1459)
2001-05 如何衡量人力資本:以台灣為例 莊奕琦、李鈞元 conference
2006-06 Governance Financing and Accountaility of Public Service Broadcasting in Taiwan 翁秀琪 conference
2007-06 Institutionalizing Status Quo Across the Strait: A Constructivist/Institutionalist Perspective 吳得源 conference
2003-12 政黨?替與地方派系勢?變遷-基?市的個案分析 高永光 conference pdf(1535)
2008 Deontology or teleology? An ethical analysis of first-person-account journalists` moral reasoning of victim coverage 許瓊文 conference
2004-05 Corpus and linguistic analysis: variation of relative clauses across genre and register 張郇慧 conference
2008-12 Place and Sense-giving in Bachelard and Levinas 黃冠閔、Huang, Kuan-Min conference
2004-11 產業發展與就業輔導 成之約 conference
2005 植基於小波轉換及向量量化編碼之影像鑑別技術 劉江龍、婁德權、黃立中、林志麟 conference pdf(147)
2007 Invariant subspace of steady-state probabilities of C_k/C_m/1 with matrix polynomial approaches 陸行 conference
2001-11 政治信任感與台灣選民投票行為 陳陸輝何思因 conference
2003 Design and Development of an Operation and Service Platform for Digital Content 盧非易 conference
2005-11 從教師專業發展模組談教師進修研習系統建構 陳木金、邱馨儀、陳宏彰 conference
2006 幼兒創作力之特性、表現及轉變:跨領域研究 簡楚瑛、陳淑芳 conference
2001-04 電視宣導短片的閱聽認知研究─以民國八十九年台閩地區戶口及住宅普查為例 陳清河 conference
2000-12 冷戰後時代北韓的外交及其對東北亞的影響 劉德海 conference
2003-10 Disease knowledge, risk perception,cognitive appraisal, and coping strategies as possible predictors of psychological sequel of SARS Chang S. H.、顏乃欣Chiou H. J.、Hue C. W.、Liu C. M.、Lee J. R. conference
2003-03 ADSL與 Cable Modem寬頻服務品質之比較--使用者之觀點 劉幼琍陳清河、謝政錡 conference
2004 Ontology-Based Structured Cosine Similarity in Speech Document Summarization 苑守慈、Yuan, Soe-Tsyr conference pdf(2318)
2007-05 中高齡與女性勞工就業促進與協助之探討 成之約 conference
2002-01 國際營運管理能力之培育— 以管理教育機會方格談大學商管教育之努力方向 于卓民、官志亮、喬友慶 conference