All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 9226-9250 of 9448
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-03 Coinstructing Stability in a "Dire Strait`: American Factor 吳得源 conference
2007-08 Is that website for me? An affect as informaiton model of congruency effects 張卿卿 conference
2004 On the Non-abelian Clemens-Schmid Exact Sequence 蔡炎龍 conference
2001-01 以成長管理觀點探討現行容積政策之合理性 賴宗裕 conference
2004-12 研究的形成與撰寫 許文耀 conference
2001-04 數位民主與電子化治理 詹中原 conference
2007-07 Fuzzy partial credit scaling: Applying fuzzy set theory to scoring rating scales 余民寧 conference
2004-05 2004年台灣總統大選媒體表現檢討:社會責任論觀點 鄭自隆 conference
2006-04 台灣教育改革大學多元入學政策之檢討分析 秦夢群 conference
2002 日治時代台灣財政收支初探 黃明聖 conference
2003-12 以財務結構與實質選擇權觀點檢視上市櫃建設公司購地時機 張金鶚 conference
2004-11 「子不語怪力亂神」?:明清醫者對於「邪祟」的態度初探 陳秀芬 conference pdf(1086)
2005 家庭網路的整合與泛用控制台技術之綜合應用 林文瑋、沈鈺翔、涂嘉壽 conference pdf(127)
2007-09 Prototype Design of Decision Support for GRID Clearinghouse Service Framework 姜國輝 conference
2004 Interfirm knowledge co-evolution mechanism in sectoral innovation system 吳思華、L. Y. Fang、W. S. Lu conference
2000-06 二十一世紀華人外語教師的時代角色的省思 楊瓊瑩 conference
2003-10 工作型態發展與所得分配問題之探討 成之約 conference
2006-02 The Political Economy of Cross-Straits IT Links 冷則剛 conference
2003-07 國際關係中的英國學派 姜家雄 conference
2005-12 The Changing Party Systems and Nonpartisan Voters in Japan and Taiwan 蔡佳泓鄭夙芬、陳義彥 conference
2008-11 無窮盡的資源與原住民的土地 ─ 日據末期朝鮮的南方論述,兼與台灣對照 崔末順 conference
2004-09 從東勢客語看句法變調範疇定義之問題 蕭宇超、邱昀儀 conference
2006 Efficient Mining of Spatial Co-orientation Patterns from Image Databases Ling-Yin Wei、沈錳坤 conference
2002-09 e-Lab的形貌 溫肇東 conference
2006 Automatic Emotion Annotation of Movie Scene Based on Film Grammar 沈錳坤 conference