All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 2351-2375 of 2852
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-09 作為社會科學的藏學人類學(Tibetological Anthropology )初探 NAI-HUA CHEN conference web page(79)
2023-10 土地法第三十四條之一法理研習 LI-FU CHEN conference pdf(1)
2023-11 現有巷道認定涉及財產權侵害之救濟 LI-FU CHEN conference pdf(142)
2023-11 Between the Mountain and the Sea: Rationality and Visuality for the Governance of Microscopic Matter within Territory TZUNG-WEN CHENTZUNG-WEN CHEN conference pdf(144)
2023-11 Comparing University Pre-Service Teacher Programs in East Asia: A Focus on Future Students’ Competences 楊雨樵、Yang, Yu-Chiao conference pdf(197)
2023-10 Effect of Working Memory Load in Resolving Filler-Gap Dependency in Natural Sentence Reading- evidence from the simultaneous recording of Eye Movements and Fixation-Related Potentials JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI、Chung, Jou-An、JIE-LI TSAI conference pdf(119)
2023-10 Language model predictability and word frequency effects on fixation-related N400s during Chinese natural article reading JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI、Chung, Jou-An、JIE-LI TSAI、Chao, Pei-Chun、Chou, Chia-Ju conference pdf(127)
2022-04 The impact of COVID-19 on mood and sleep CHIEN-MING YANG conference web page(72)
2023-08 The influence of contextual predictability on subordinate bias effect when reading Chinese biased homographs: Evidence from eye movements JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI conference pdf(103)
2023-12 The Influence of Word Predictability on Character Consistency Effect When Reading Chinese Sentences JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI、Pi, Huan-Yu conference pdf(146)
2023-11 Developmental tuning of neuronal excitability and concomitant regulation of transcriptome by cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 WEN-LIN LIAO、Liao, Wenlin、WEN-LIN LIAO conference pdf(164)
2023-12 An empirical evaluation of using ChatGPT for recommending similar civil cases in Chinese CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin、Wu, Po-Hsien、Li, Wei-Jie conference web page(70)
2024-02 Reading between the lines: Image-based order detection in OCR for Chinese historical documents CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin、Ma, Hsing-Yuan、Huang, Hen-Hsen conference pdf(202)
2023-12 Securing NLP Systems: A Comprehensive AI-Based Approach YI-FAN TSENG、Tseng, Yi-Fan conference pdf(144)
2023-12 A Classification-based perspective of the genres in the Quan Tang Wen CHAO-LIN LIU、沈欣柏、李韋杰 conference pdf(126)
2023-05 Do Polarized Issues Encourage or Discourage People to Express Their Attitudes? CHING-HSIN YUCHING-HSIN YUTSUNG-HAN TSAI、Pao, Cheng-Hao conference pdf(91)
2023-07 社會經濟地位量表的建構與政治態度:以2008-2020總統大選為例 CHING-HSIN YU、謝忠賢 conference pdf(95)
2022-10 運用列項實驗探討民眾為台灣而戰的意願 CHING-HSIN YU、李冠成 conference pdf(54)
2022-03 道南論衡:政大中文2018年全國研究生漢學學術研討會論文集 中文系 conference pdf(97)
2022-04 道南論衡:政大中文2019年全國研究生漢學學術研討會論文集 中文系 conference pdf(56)
2022-11 道南論衡:政大中文2020年全國研究生學術研討會論文集 中文系 conference pdf(62)
2023-01 道南論衡:政大中文2021年全國研究生學術研討會論文集 中文系 conference pdf(101)
2023-11 道南論衡:政大中文2022年全國研究生學術研討會論文集 中文系 conference pdf(57)
2023-11 疑古與證古之間:顧頡剛《尚書》研究中的王國維情結 YU-AN KU conference pdf(31)
2023-12 說《尚書》中的「極」──兼談〈呂刑〉的「何度,非及」 YU-AN KU conference pdf(60)