All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 76-100 of 22446
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006-06 The Patents Valuation with Capital Shortage Risk 顏錫銘、吳聰皓 conference
2006-05 Dynamic Asset Allocation with Downside Risk and Extreme Returns 顏錫銘、李美杏 conference
2002-04 The Trading Behavior of Derivative Warrant Issuer and Its Bearing on the Price and Liquidity of the Warrant and the Underlying Stock 周行一、Li-Wen Chen conference
2003-12 Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategy for Intertemporal Pension Fund Management with Stochastic Volatility in Incomplete Markets Yen,Simon H.、Yuan-Hung Hsu Ku conference
2002-05 存在多項R&D投資計畫下的實質放棄選擇權評價方法 顏錫銘、吳明政 conference
2002-05 Decomposition of bid-ask spreads in the stock index futures market 顏錫銘、闕河士 conference
2002-05 Resolving the Asset Allocation Puzzle with Intertemporal Hedging and Nontraded Assets in the Stochastic Environment 顏錫銘、徐辜元宏 conference
2001-12 An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of International Investment Barriers with Heterogeneous Preference and Incomplete Markets-Using the Perturbation Method 顏錫銘、徐辜元宏 conference
2005-05 The empirical test of bid-ask spread clientele effect on holding periods for futures contracts traded on the SGX-DT 顏錫銘、闕河士 conference
2002 The Trading Behavior of Derivative Warrant Issuer and Its Bearing on the Price and Liquidity of the Warrant and the Underlying Stock (ROC) 周行一、Li-Wen Chen conference
1999 台灣資本市場發展與管理研討 顏錫銘 conference
1999 台灣股票市場過度反應現象之實證研究 顏錫銘、程淑美 conference
1997 股票股利與資訊傳遞 顏錫銘 conference
1996 台灣企業宣告發行海內外、可轉換公司債之財務特性 顏錫銘 conference
1994-09 台灣企業購併支付方式與財務特質關係之實證研究 顏錫銘 conference
1994 International Diversification Benefits in Asia-Pacific Stock Markets 顏錫銘 conference
2006-05 兩岸黨國體制的變遷:民主化的觀察 李酉潭 conference pdf(24668)
2006-11 從孫中山民主與人權思想探究中小學民主教育 李酉潭、何文馨 conference pdf(2824)
2003-01 黑道與地方派系 高永光 conference
2003-01 台北縣地方派系與黑道互動模式之研究 高永光 conference
2003-07 地方立法權的發展 高永光 conference 說明頁(1321)
2003-11 政府彈性用人制度之探討 高永光 conference
2004-03 第十一屆總統大選對台灣民主政治發展之意涵 高永光 conference
2004-03 關於目前兩岸關係若干看法 高永光 conference
1997 九七後香港大眾傳媒的角色 高永光 conference