All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings)

Showing 1201-1225 of 22720
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-05 住民投票與土地使用計劃變更之研究 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference pdf(1004)
2002 土地倫理與地方認同 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2002 非營利組織與空間規劃之研究-尋找一個社會問題解決的座標 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2001 地理資訊系統於植群生態指數分析之應用 JIHN-FA JAN、陳永寬 conference
2001 戰後初期臺灣業佃關係之探討 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2001 Constructing the RCA Toxic Museum SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2000 Sustainable Development and Land Development Institutions SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2000 土地制度與法律變遷之研究-以臺灣租佃制度為例 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2000 Sustainable Development and Land Use Planning in Taiwan SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2000 Transformation of Taiwan`s Energy Regime and Social Structure SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2000 台灣土地改革再審視 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1999 The Impact of Class Differentiation and Cultural Construction on Post-War Land Reform in Taiwan (II) SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1999 New Social Movement Not-profit Organizations and the Emergence of Community in Taiwan SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2005-09 由光達點雲資料萃取建物屋頂面資訊 SHIH-HONG CHIO、邱煥智 conference
1999 Nonprofit Organizations and Community Building in Taiwan --- The Case of Homemakers` Union and Foundation SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1999 The Impact of Class Differentiation and Cultural Construction on Post-War Land Reform in Taiwan (I) SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1999 The Impacts of Class Differentiation and Cultural Construction on Post-War Land Reform in Taiwan SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1998 The Impact of Class Differentiation and Cultural Construction on Post-War Land Reform in Taiwan (I) SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1997 永續發展與土地規劃:一個理論層次的探討 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1997 Partnership --- A New Paradigm in Urban Planning? SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1997 歷史上臺灣原住民土地流失之政治經濟分析 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1996 都市社會運動及社區組織之研究 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1996 研究方法論初探-兼對邏輯實證論之反省 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
1996 地政教育未來趨勢及展望 SHIH-JUNG HSU conference
2005-09 由光達點雲資料進行點、線、面特徵分類之研究 SHIH-HONG CHIO、李宏君 conference