All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 451-475 of 515
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-06 A New Exploration of Theory about Qin People’s Origin in the East China -From the Perspective of "People of Shangyan" in "Xi-Nian" of Qing-Hua-Jian 古育安、KU, Yu-an article pdf(213)
2010-06 The Teacher-Student Affinity between Gu Jiegang and Ho Ting-sheng 車行健Che, hsing-Chien、徐其寧、Hsu, Chi-ning article pdf(178)
2010-06 〈何定生教授論著目錄〉 車行健Che, hsing-Chien、徐其寧、Hsu, Chi-ning article pdf(198)
2014-03 Ho Ting-Sheng Studies of the Book of Songs That Appeared in the Debates on Ancient History 車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(201)
2015-06 〈胡承珙研究文獻概述〉 車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(175)
2015-06 胡承珙研究文獻目錄 車行健Che, hsing-Chien、邱惠芬、Chiu, Hui-fen article pdf(171)
2017-06 〈考《史》以證《左》――羅倬漢與《史記十二諸侯年表考證》〉 車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(263)
2018-06 On the Nanyong Scholar Chen Yanjie and the Editing of His Works on the Classics 車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(131)
2018-06 An Examination of Chen Yanjie’s Shi xu jie and His Views on the Shijing 車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(192)
2017-09 A Report from the Symposium on "The Development of the Study of the Confucian Classics in Hong Kong and Taiwan" 車行健Che, hsing-Chien、倫凱琪、Lun, Kai-chi article pdf(202)
2018-12 〈以朱反朱――朱熹《詩經》前後論說與明清學者反對朱子《詩》義觀的幾種方式〉 車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(256)
2018-12 A Preliminary Observation on the Teaching of the Shijing at High Schools in Postwar  車行健Che, hsing-Chien article pdf(181)
2018-08 破城子探方52所出漢簡綴合七則 林宏明Lin, Hung-ming article 說明頁(408)
2018-09 〈亦圃齋《詩經》學記〉 徐偉軒、Hsu, Wei-hsuan article pdf(180)
2018-12 "Succession to the Way (Dao Tong)": The Xin`an School in the Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Si Shu Da Quan) 陳逢源Chen, Feng-yuan article pdf(214)
2018-12 An Examination of Courses on the Four Books at National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University and National Taiwan Normal University from 2006 to 2016 陳逢源Chen, Feng-yuan article pdf(169)
2018-12 《宋代圖書易學之重要輯著——《大易象數鈎深圖》與《周易圖》一系圖說析論》記後 陳睿宏、Chen, Jui-hung article 說明頁(277)
2018-12 〈萬迴神異傳說與萬迴信仰──以敦煌文獻為中心的討論〉 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-chang article
2018-09 〈敦煌神話敘事與佛教:以《天地開闢已來帝王紀》為中心的討論〉 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-chang article
2018-09 〈Φ223《十吉祥》與《佛說阿彌陀經》講經文〉 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-chang article pdf(176)
2018-09 The attribute of text and origin of stories in "Wei shi Da shi Wuzhu pusa ben sheng yuan" and "Wei shi lun shi Shiqin pusa ben sheng yuan" of Dunhuang Manuscripts 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-chang article pdf(250)
2018-08 〈宋金元磁州窯瓷器題樂府詩輯考〉 楊明璋、Yang, Ming-chang article 說明頁(391)
2017-12 可發聲性與可體現性--評鄭毓瑜《姿與言--詩國革命新論》 廖棟樑Liao, Tung-liang article 說明頁(287)
2018-12 Taking the Internal Route: Liang Zongdai`s Experimental Criticism 廖棟樑Liao, Tung-liang、錢瑋東*、Chin, Wai-tong article pdf(244)
2018-12 The Establishment and Early Development of Confucian Moderation Ideology in Thought of Xunzi 劉又銘Liu, Yu-ming article pdf(234)