All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Chinese Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 1226-1250 of 1623
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-04 至今回眸500年來第一人--寇培深書法與梅花的藝術成就 WEN-HUEI CHENG article web page(558)
2014-09 詩與畫的互文與再現--唐寅題畫詩研究 WEN-HUEI CHENG article web page(454)
2016-12 立意與折衝的古典再現:劉熙載《寤崖子》先秦寓言仿擬的意義 洪元凱、Hung, Yuan-kai article pdf(278)
2014 Shanghai’s Dancing World, Cabaret and Urban Politics, 1919-1954 書評 SHUO-WIN CHEN article pdf(387)
2017 Struggle for the right to cover up for family members: The significance and value of the confucian thought “Cover up for family members” in modern society [Prizadevanje za prikrivanje za družinske člane: Pomen in vrednotenje konfucijske ideje o ≫prikrivanju za družinske člane≪ v moderni družbi] Tseng, Weichieh、曾暐傑 article web page(764)
2017-06 新世紀以來澳門文學中的「回歸書寫」 TANG-CHI CHANG article web page(719)
2016-12 鑒戒與重構:論胡應麟《詩藪》的杜詩批評 YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(475)
2013-12 明說漁洋,意在滄浪--錢鍾書「王士禎論」及其壓在紙背後的真相 賴位政、Lai, Wei-Jheng article web page(558)
2010-09 眾神之宴:從《南遊記》鬥寶會看晩明出版文化中的宗教信仰 KUEI-JU LIN article pdf(168)
2016-11 From the Sacrifice by Motives on the Offerings of Ancestor Worship in Baoshan Bamboo Strips of Chu State WEN-SHIN JENG article pdf(346)
2017-06 汪廷訥《勸懲故事》之成書及其東傳影響之研究 KUEI-JU LIN article pdf(516)
2013-12 「辨異而不過,推類而不悖」:中國近現代思潮中的荀學話語 CHIH-HUANG CHOU article pdf(459)
2015-12 Confucians, Publishers and Writers: the Spread of T`ang-yin-pi-shih in early Edo Japan KUEI-JU LINKUEI-JU LIN article pdf(363)
2016-06 Floating City/ My City: Differences and Similarities in Macau Novels after the Return to China TANG-CHI CHANGTANG-CHI CHANG article pdf(1915)
2016-06 The Theory "Waiting to Be Solved": Ta-Tsi Chen`s Review on Human Nature in Mencius FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article pdf(704)
2017-06 On the Zhai-Jie Process in Eastern Zhou From the Kinds of Ancestor Worship WEN-SHIN JENGWEN-SHIN JENG article pdf(328)
2017-06 Visible Translator`s Transnational Tour: From Margot la Balafrée to Viper Ring SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article pdf(364)
2017-12 Value Consciousness in Confucianism: “Xiàxué Shàngdá” and “Rényì Nèizài” CHI-PING LINCHI-PING LIN article pdf(1419)
2017-12 An Analysis on Gua-bian Theories Reflected by the Yi-Diagrams in Zhouyitu RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article pdf(3672)
2017-12 “Succession to the Way (Daotong)” in Joseon, the East State: How Han Yuanzhen Discusses the Four Books in Survey on the Sameness and Differences of Zhu Xi’s Discourses (Zhuzi yanlun tongyikao) FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article pdf(550)
2017-12 韓元震《朱子言論同異考》析論――以《大學》、《中庸》為考察範圍 FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article pdf(524)
2017-03 泗州僧伽和尚神異傳說研究──以敦煌文獻為中心的討論 MING-CHANG YANGMING-CHANG YANG article pdf(408)
2017-08 唐宋之際文殊菩的侍從變化考論 MING-CHANG YANG article web page(697)
2017-01 朝封、道封與民封──從三個例子談敕封對神祇信仰的形塑與影響 CHEN-HUNG KAOCHEN-HUNG KAO article web page(437)
2017-01 〈今詞苑序〉意義新詮:「崇今」價值重造 YA-WEN HOUYA-WEN HOU article pdf(499)