
Showing 26-50 of 2265
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2002-01 Explaining Intraday Pattern of Trading Volume from the Order Flow Data 李翎竹、劉玉珍 article pdf(618)
2006-06 相關係數可隨時間變動下的外匯期貨避險比例:簡易方法應用與其績效 杜化宇、鍾柏亭 article pdf(1264)
2004-01 Order Imbalance and Market Efficiency: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange Yi-Tsung Lee、劉玉珍、Richard Roll、Avanidhar Subrahmanyam article
2004-06 Order Imbalance and Market Efficiency: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange Lee Yi-Tsung、劉玉珍、Richard Roll、Avanidhar Subrahmanyam article
2002-07 A Comparison of Seasonal Adjustment Methods When Forecasting Intraday Volatility 張元晨、Martin Martens、Stephen J. Taylor article pdf(3428)
2006 Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategies for Investors with Mortgage Liability in the Environment of Time-Varying Interest Rates 徐辜元宏、顏錫銘、Hsu Ku,Yuan-Hung 、 Yen, Simon H. article 說明頁(1173)
2002 The relative efficiencies of price execution between the Singapore Exchange and the Taiwan Futures Exchange 周冠男、李志宏、Chou, Robin K. 、 Lee,Jie-Haun article pdf(1167)
2003 Information Arrivals and Intraday Exchange Rate Volatility 張元晨、Stephen J. Taylor article pdf(1848)
2007-04 The Innovations of E-mini Contracts and Futures Price Volatility Components? The Empirical Investigation of S&P 500 Stock Index Futures Tu, Anthony H. 、Ming-Chun Wang、杜化宇 article pdf(463)
2006-12 The Accuracy of Reports of Foreign Exchange Intervention by the Bank of Japan: Does Tokyo Know More? 張元晨Chang,Yuan-Chen article pdf(2064)
2002-12 The Pricing of Foreign Exchange Risk Around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan`s Stock Market 張元晨 article pdf(1661)
2000-10 The Study of Cointegration and Variance Decomposition among National Equity Indices before and during the period of the Asian Financial Crisis Tu, Anthony H. 、Hsiao-Ching Sheng、杜化宇 article pdf(639)
2005-12 Futures Trading Volume and Bank of Japan Intervention 張元晨 article pdf(1150)
2003-02 Foreign ownership in the Taiwan stock market--an empirical analysis 林基煌 article pdf(2920)
2004 The Intraday Stock Return Characteristics Surrounding Price Limit Hits 李志宏、周冠男、Lee, Jie-Haun 、 Chou, Robin K. article pdf(1260)
2006 Market Condition,Number of Transactions and Price Volatility: Evidence from an Electronic Order Driven Call Market 姜堯民、Vivien Tai、周冠男 article pdf(1203)
2006 考慮極值與VaR限制之最適資產配置 顏錫銘、李美杏、Yen,Simon H.、Lee,Mei-Hsing article pdf(611)
2001 The Serial Correlation of Intraday Return 周行一、劉玉珍、P. Hao article
2001-02 Trading Behavior and Asset Returns: Evidence from the Interday Serial Correlations of Intraday-to-Intraday Daily Returns of Taiwan Chow, Edward H. 、 Hsiao, Ping 、 Liu, Yu-Jane、周行一、劉玉珍 article pdf(1138)
2004 A Re-examination of Variance-Ratio Test of Random Walks in Foreign Exchange Rates 張元晨 article pdf(1161)
2001-08 The Demand of Flexibility and Bank`s Loan Decisions 杜化宇 article
2006 Pricing real growth options when the underlying assets have jump diffusion processes: the case of R&D investments 吳明政、顏錫銘、Wu, Ming-Cheng、Simon H. Yen article pdf(1386)
2000-12 Bank Market Structure and Performance in Taiwan Before and After the 1991`s Liberalization 杜化宇、Shen-Yuan Chen article
2002 On the Effect of Stock Stabilization Fund: A Case of Taiwan Liu, Yu-Jane、劉玉珍 article pdf(533)
2000 Bank market structure and performance in Taiwan before and after the 1991 liberalization 杜化宇、陳勝源、Tu, Anthony H. 、 Chen, Shen-Yuan article pdf(649)