All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Periodical Articles)

Showing 976-1000 of 1993
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-03 從峰會外交看習近平訪美 YEH-CHUNG LUYEH-CHUNG LU article
2012-07 由南海衝突情勢論海洋軍事使用之規範模式與限度 CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(907)
2012-08 論中國對於東海春曉油氣田投資開發之法律規範──兼論臺灣可能因應之道 CHEN-JU CHEN article pdf(813)
2012-06 國際刑事司法於轉型社會的功能 CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(936)
2011-10 買賣珍奇異獸罰不罰? CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(710)
2009-06 聯合國「國家及其財產管轄豁免公約」之研究 CHUN-I CHENCHUN-I CHEN article web page(1037)
2013-01 朴槿惠勝選與未來周邊國際安全 MING LEE article pdf(950)
2011 G20 and Its Impact to the Evolution of the Global System YEH-CHUNG LU article pdf(1663)
2012-09 End at the Water`s Edge? Taiwan`s Domestic Debate over Arms Procurement from the United States YEH-CHUNG LUYEH-CHUNG LU article pdf(1295)
2010-10 Democracy and the Roots of Consensus Rhetoric in Taiwan DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1588)
2007-10 Hsièn Kăi in Taiwan: Assessing Possible Constitutional Models DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1414)
2005-04 Gladstone, Religious Freedom, and Practical Reasoning DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1178)
2003-04 Tradition and Prudence in Locke`s Exceptions to Toleration DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1111)
2002-06 Attaining Rogers Smith`s Civic Ideals DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1554)
1999-12 Countering Popular Misconceptions of Federal Bureaucracies in American Government Classes DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1208)
1999-04 The Portrayal of Similarities in the Justification of Empire: G.A. Henty and Late 19th Century Imperial Literature DAVID JOSEPH LORENZODAVID JOSEPH LORENZO article web page(1416)
2010-10 中國在周邊地區的多邊外交理論與實踐 KUN-SHUAN CHIUKUN-SHUAN CHIU article pdf(1123)
2010-06 中國的負責任大國身分建構與外交實踐:以參與國際裁軍與軍備管制建制為例 KUN-SHUAN CHIU、黃鴻博、KUN-SHUAN CHIU、Huang, Hong-Bo article pdf(986)
2009-07 台灣的中共外交研究與國際關係理論的對話 KUN-SHUAN CHIUKUN-SHUAN CHIU article web page(1192)
2008-07 兩岸兩會復談的意義與展望 KUN-SHUAN CHIUKUN-SHUAN CHIU article web page(1033)
2004-11 布希總統連任後美國與中共關係之展望 KUN-SHUAN CHIUKUN-SHUAN CHIU article pdf(812)
2004-01 布溫高峰會後的「中」美臺三角關係 KUN-SHUAN CHIUKUN-SHUAN CHIU article pdf(621)
2011-06 1987年以後解放軍領導人的政治流動:專業化與制度化的影響 CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU article pdf(2388)
2010-09 邁向權力核心之路:1987年以後中共文人領袖的政治流動 CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU article pdf(763)
2009-06 1978年以後中共財經高官的仕途流動:特徵與趨勢 CHIEN-WEN KOUCHIEN-WEN KOU article pdf(2056)