All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles、1990-1999)

Showing 1-25 of 269
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1995-02 Chinese segmentation problem ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2453)
1996 Variation of Mandarin VO constructions: a synchronic account ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1747)
1991 Topic as a grammatical function in Chinese ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(2523)
1991 An LFG-based machine translation system ONE-SOON HER、Dan Higinbotham、Joseph Pentheroudakis article pdf(1933)
1991 On the Mandarin possessive and existential verb YOU and its idiomatic expressions ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1811)
1990 Historical development of BA and JIANG in the Tang Dynasty ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1911)
1995-02 Three aspects of research in language teaching ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2323)
1994-01 Applications of syntactic theories and formalisms in NLP research ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1435)
1994-09 English reading proficiency of Taiwan college graduates: a study based on the miscue analysis ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2200)
1993-06 Interaction: A new direction in linguistic research ONE-SOON HER article pdf(1327)
1993-10 Explanations of age difference in foreign accent and some implications for teaching foreign languages ONE-SOON HER article pdf(2281)
1996-05 Silence is Gold:on the Delayed Oral Practice ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1991)
1998-11 漢語主題在與法層面上的限制 ONE-SOON HERONE-SOON HER article pdf(1340)
1994-02 網路與研究書目:一個實例 CHAO-MING CHENCHAO-MING CHEN article pdf(625)
1996-07 A Corps-Based Analysis of Linguistic Features in Written and Spoken English HSUN-HUEI CHANG article
1993-04 發音重要嗎? CHIEH-YUE YEH article
1994-07 「兒童英語」的教室經營 CHIEH-YUE YEHCHIEH-YUE YEH article web page(1127)
1995-04 「理想」的國中英文課本教師手冊 CHIEH-YUE YEH article
1996-04 從篇章語法觀點談臺灣大學學生英文敘述文中的時式與時態 HSUEH-YING YU article
1993-06 文學與電腦研究的方向 CHAO-MING CHEN article
1994-09 英文老師對兒童英語的態度調查研究 CHIEH-YUE YEH article pdf(1822)
1996-05 Spoken or Written: a case study of written features in oral text HSUN-HUEI CHANG article pdf(254)
1997-04 On the Rating Strategies used by Raters of the JCEE English Compositions: A Pilot Study HSUEH-YING YU article pdf(1111)
1990-12 日本歷史教科書上的『侵略』與『進出』 SHIZUE FUJII article
1990-12 日本歷史教科書上的『侵略』與『進出』 SHIZUE FUJII article