All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles、2000-2009)

Showing 201-225 of 547
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002-01 新聞特性對閱聽人的影響-以大專生收聽英語廣播新聞為例 唐嘉蓉 article
2008-06 Taiwanese students` negotiations with academic writing: Becoming “playwrights and film directors” 劉怡君 article pdf(899)
2006-01 Achievement Beliefs and Their Cultural Contexts: Voices from American, Chinese-American and Taiwanese College Students 崔正芳 article pdf(1927)
2007-08 Nostalgia memory and migration: The case of La mano del emigrante by Manuel Rivas 楊瓊瑩Yang, Chung-ying article 說明頁(1452)
2007.12 偵探小說?女性自傳?─論羅莎‧孟德羅的《吃人肉者的女兒》(La hija del caníbal)之女性自我實現 楊瓊瑩 article pdf(1255)
2009 Amoret`s Sacred Suffering: The Protestant Modification of Courtly Love in Spenser`s The Faerie Queene 林質心Lin, Chih-hsin article pdf(1804)
2005-05 福樓拜,自傳體作者? 阮若缺Juan, Rachel article 說明頁(1008)
2003-03 En Busca de la Identidad Femenina: La Voz Narrativa de Natalia en La plaza del Diamante 楊瓊瑩 article pdf(2777)
2006-06 法語中禁忌語和委婉語的共存共榮 阮若缺 article pdf(1870)
2007-06 書評:以暗諷的筆調為小人物發聲──關於[Marcel Aym?]《穿牆人》的二、三事 阮若缺 article pdf(1304)
2004-07 從國小英語教學看兒童文學本土化或國際化之迷思 阮若缺 article
2000-11 都是格林童話惹的禍? 阮若缺 article pdf(1438)
2006-03 El Retrato de las Mujeres y la Intertextualidad del Bolero y de la Novela Negra en Te Tratare Como a una Reina 楊瓊瑩 article pdf(3225)
2007-12 Cuerpo, in/Comunicación y Representación en Hable con ella de Pedro Almodóvar 楊瓊瑩 article pdf(4072)
2008-03 五味雜陳的《犀牛》 阮若缺 article pdf(1382)
2000-12 法國第五共和實施公民投票之研究 張台麟 article pdf(1140)pdf(1168)
2003-04 Conceptualizations of GUO in Mandarin 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau E. article pdf(959)
2002-07 Asymmetry in Mandarin Consonant Articulations: Evidence from slips of the tongue 萬依萍 article pdf(2943)
2006-01 The Metrical Structure of Changhua Folk Verse 蕭宇超 article pdf(1676)
2006-07 Interruption in Mandarin mother-child conversation 呂佩君、黃瓊之 article pdf(2608)
2003-06 高中英文寫作教學之我見--從大學入學考試英作測驗談起 楊懿麗 article pdf(1462)
2003 Mandarin temporality inference in child, maternal, and adult speech 黃瓊之 article pdf(1915)
2005-03 Learning to read and spell: the relative role of phonemic awareness and onset-rime awareness Chan, I-Chi、Jie-Fang Hu、 Wan,I-Ping萬依萍 article pdf(1155)
2007-06 汉语音韵语误之分类型态 萬依萍 article 說明頁(50)
2000-12 臺灣閩南語之優選變調 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yu-Chau article pdf(1797)