All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Periodical Articles)

Showing 751-775 of 2076
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006.10 現代漢語音韻的國際觀 YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article pdf(706)
2013.09 台灣伊斯蘭何去何從:現代漢語穆斯林遷徙(Hijrah)之困境 林長寬、Lin, Chang-Kuan article pdf(1438)
2005.12 伊斯蘭服飾文化 HUEY-TSYR JENGHUEY-TSYR JENG article pdf(1211)
2012.12 現代伊斯蘭復興改革思潮中印尼傳統經學院(Pesantren)教育之轉變 林長寬 article web page(1161)
2013.10 In many and reportless places`: Place Identity and Emily Dickinson`s America LI-HSIN HSULI-HSIN HSU article web page(1133)
2012.04 Sacred/Sacrilegious Tourism in Emily Dickinson’s Poems LI-HSIN HSULI-HSIN HSU article web page(1349)
2002.10 Glide, Syllable and Tone: An Introduction YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article web page(1431)
2000.05 Tone sandhi in Mandarin-Taiwanese code-mixing YU-CHAU E. HSIAO、林蕙珊、YU-CHAU E. HSIAO article web page(1364)
2012.01 Die, Mädchenlieder` Walthers von der Vogelweide und ihre Pastourellen-Diskussion-anhand zweier Lieder: Unter der linden (39, 11) und Nement, frowe, disen cranz (74, 20) SHAO-JI YAOSHAO-JI YAO article web page(1684)
2013.09 詩與真實─以Bruder Wernher為例描繪13世紀德語說唱詩人職業生活 SHAO-JI YAOSHAO-JI YAO article web page(1225)
2013.11 Emily Dickinson`s Asian Consumption LI-HSIN HSULI-HSIN HSU article web page(1220)
2013.09 廣東與臺灣饒平客家話兩字組變調分析與比較 YU-CHAU E. HSIAOYU-CHAU E. HSIAO article pdf(1218)
2013.06 韓語推測情態的用法與中文情態詞翻譯的對應問題 CHIU-WEN KUO article pdf(1534)
2013.08 Neoliberalism and Popular Women`s Culture: Rethinking Choice and Agency YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article pdf(1147)
2012.1 T.S. Eliot``s Virtual Europe: The Flaneur and the Textual Flanerie LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG article web page(1531)
2011.06 Women, Labor and Technology in the Late Victorian Age: Typewriting in George Gissing’s The Odd Women and Grant Allen’s The Type-writer Girl YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(1395)
2013.04 The Influence of Cultural Universality and Specificity on EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Metaphor and Metonymy CHEN, YI-CHEN CHENHUEI-LING LAI、Chen, Yi-chen 、 Lai, Huei-ling article pdf(1459)
2013.07 從騙術到藝術──論納博科夫小說《絕望》的敘事策略 TING-CHIA YENTING-CHIA YEN article pdf(1194)
2013.12 Positional and grammatical variations of time words in Takivatan Bunun RIK LOUIS JOSE DE BUSSER、De Busser, Rik article pdf(1240)
2012.12 習慣領域、大腦研究與語言學習 I-CHIN CHIANGI-CHIN CHIANG article pdf(970)
2013.11 Fashioning the Cosmopolitan Girl: Sartorial Display and Technologies of Femininity in the Chinese Bestseller Du Lala YIN-I CHEN article web page(1420)
2013-08 我國大學英語畢業門檻政策之檢討 ONE-SOON HERCHUING CHOU、蘇紹雯、蔣侃學、陳郁萱、ONE-SOON HERCHUING CHOU、 Su, Shao-Wen 、 Chiang, Kan-Hsueh 、 Chen, Yu-Hsuan article pdf(1465)
2013.09 在韓文化中找茶: 韓半島茶文化史的研究 HONG-CHIH HWANGHONG-CHIH HWANG article pdf(1302)
2012.06 「他+自」複合動詞的派生條件 SHU-CHIN WANGSHU-CHIN WANG article pdf(1073)
2009.09 由八位大專院校英語老師的經驗初探創新與創意教學的象限 CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO article pdf(746)