
Showing 1601-1625 of 2076
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2019-04 呼嚎谷的記憶 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(228)
2019-03 枝與幹 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(182)
2019-01 後浪若洶湧 前浪何須站在浪頭上? 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(272)
2018-12 為別人著想 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(211)
2019-04 納坦雅胡連任 以阿和平難期待 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(203)
2018-12 感恩與報恩 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(185)
2019-04 環境汙染破壞 殺傷力遠勝戰爭 鄭慧慈Jeng, Huey-tsyr article pdf(216)
2018-09 Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong? Al-Ṭabarī’s Representation of al-Walīd b. ʿUqba as Criticism of the Ḥanbalīs 蘇怡文Su, I-Wen article
2019-01 Between Loss and Gain: Translating the Taiwanese Praise Ballads on the Pescadores into English 吳敏華Wu, Min-Hua、Lee, Chung-Han、Chen, You-Hsuan、Chu, Yi-Chi、Lin, Chia-Hao、Chin, Shu-Hsien article pdf(238)
2019-06 Erotica, Thou Art Translated: Reading Erotic Literature in Adaptation and Translation 吳敏華Wu, Min-Hua article pdf(254)
2019-02 擺渡神洲謫仙:許淵冲與胡品清 英譯李白〈菩薩蠻〉之比較與析探 吳敏華Wu, Min-Hua article 說明頁(415)
2018-09 Mask in the Museum: The Impossible Gaze and the Indian Artifact in Verbinski`s The Lone Ranger 柯瑞強Corrigan, John Michael article 說明頁(342)
2019-07 Murder in the House of Memory: Faulkner’s Plantation Prototype and the Elite Planter in Flags in the Dust 柯瑞強Corrigan, John Michael article 說明頁(380)
2018-02 “The Hate that Changed:’ Cycling Romance and the Aestheticization of Women Cyclists in the 1890s.” 陳音頤Chen, Eva article 說明頁(426)
2019-05 English-medium instruction in law and the humanities in higher education: the role of teacher identity. 黃怡萍Huang, Yi-Ping article 說明頁(347)
2018-01 Learner resistance to English-medium instruction practices: A qualitative case study. 黃怡萍Huang, Yi-Ping article pdf(228)
2017-01 The evolution of Hakka symbolic code < ngangjiang stiff neck>: A longitudinal analysis in Taiwan Newspaper (客家象徵符碼〈硬頸〉之演變:臺灣報紙媒體縱剖面之分析) 賴惠玲、Lai, Huei-ling*、Liu, Chao-Lin article pdf(268)
2018-04 Storybook narratives in Mandarin-speaking pre-adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder: Internal state language and theory of mind abilities 薩文蕙Sah, Wen-hui、童寶娟、Torng, Paochuan article pdf(240)
2018-12 An Investigation of Taiwan’s College Students’ Awareness of Information Packaging in Linguistic Structures 柳薇芬、Liu, Wei-feng article pdf(280)
2019-11 Searching for specific sentence meaning in context: the conceptual relation between participants 賴瑶鍈、Lai, Yao-Ying、Piñango, Maria Mercedes article pdf(386)
2019-12 剪燭旖色佳: 閱讀李有成詩集《迷路蝴蝶》 吳敏華Wu, Min-Hua article pdf(243)
2018-12 К истокам формирования и становления украинской языковой трехкодовости (русский язык – суржик – украинский язык) 薩承科、САВЧЕНКО, А. В. *、Khmelevskiy, Mikhail S. article 說明頁(321)
2019-04 Прием лексической трансплантации из русского языка как характерная черта современного украинского разговорного дискурса 薩承科、САВЧЕНКО, А. В. *、ХМЕЛЕВСКИЙ, МЕЛЕВСКИЙ М. С. article 說明頁(301)
2019-03 „Der Kaiser von China“, aber nur in den Hautfalten des Buddha – Exotismus im Roman von Tilman Rammstedt 徐安妮、Hsu, An-Nie article pdf(241)
2018-12 Kann die Methodik des Übersetzungsunterrichts auch umgedreht werden? 徐安妮、Hsu, An-Nie article pdf(293)