All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 4951-4975 of 5226
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-09 Taiwanese Nuns and Education Issues in Contemporary Taiwan YU-CHEN LI、Li, Yu-Chen article web page(157)
2021-12 戰後臺灣佛教第二波二部僧授戒 YU-CHEN LI article web page(133)
2022-12 Introduction: Comedies in East Asian Media: Laughing in Bitter Times TA-WEI CHITA-WEI CHI、Chung, Elaine、Yeung, Jessica Siu-yin article web page(193)
2022-12 Being Thrown Like a Girl: A Feminist Phenomenological Reading of the Yuri Fiction by Yang Shuang-zi TA-WEI CHITA-WEI CHI article web page(282)
2021-12 葉石濤(1925-2008)與 陳映真(1937-2016):「臺灣文學」的兩條路 MAL-SOON CHOI article
2022-12 章黃衍脈,道南傳學--高明先生人格風範與學術成就 FENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(171)
2022-09 A Study on Han Bangchi`s Presentation of Yi-diagrams with Numbers in the Ming Dynasty--Based on the Integration of Yi-Diagrams and Hongfan RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article web page(174)
2022-12 “Nan Gong(南公)”and“Bo Kuo (伯括)”as Seen in the Inscriptions of the Zhou Dynasty TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-chi article web page(160)
2022-10 信仰、 實踐與女性主義的宗教學 YU-CHEN LI conference web page(276)
2022-11 佛教人類學:南傳和漢傳的研究回顧 YU-CHEN LI conference web page(207)
2022-09 從標題開始導航腦迴路 PEI-JEAN CHEN article web page(154)
2022-06 漢學人學專刊前言 YUAN-TSE LIN article web page(104)
2019-06 哲學:為建立台灣做為未來華人世界的新雅典而努力 YUAN-TSE LIN article web page(215)
2018-11 Sinophone Studies in the International and Interdisciplinary Context: Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity at National Chengchi University YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article web page(124)
2023-06 On the Interaction between the Zhou Dynasty and the Baguo (霸國) from the Inscriptions of Babo yu (霸伯盂) TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-chi article pdf(237)
2023-06 The Publication and Spread of Guang Lie Xian Zhuan and You Xiang Lie Xian Quan Zhuan KUEI-JU LIN、Lin, Kuie-ju article pdf(240)
2020-07 The Mystery of the Investiture of the Great Emperor who Protects Life (Baosheng dadi 保生大帝) FONG-MAO LEEFONG-MAO LEE article web page(263)
2020-07 Are "Ancestral Spirits" the Spirits of the Ancestors?: A Comparative Investigation Focusing on Han Chinese Ancestor Worship and the Atayal`s Rutux Beliefs with Reference to the Commemoration of Zhang Guangzhi PO-CHI HUANGPO-CHI HUANG article web page(152)
2021-07 "Demon Heads Fall by the Thousands": The Fachang, an Exorcistic Ritual from Northern Taiwan 勞格文、CHEN-YUAN LIN、Lagerwey, John article web page(188)
2022-01 導論:瑤傳道教比較研究 CHEN-YUAN LIN article web page(217)
2022-07 "We Believe in Daoism, Not Buddhism": A Preliminary Investigation of the Daoist Liturgical Manuscripts of the She 畬 Ethnic Group of Wencheng 文成, Southern Zhejiang 浙江 CHEN-YUAN LINCHEN-YUAN LIN article web page(227)
2018-06 「語言的權力、權力的語言」專題引言 路丹妮、WEN-HUEI CHENG、Dluhošová, Táňa article web page(218)
2018-12 「自由與人權」專題引言 HUA-YUAN HSUEH article web page(216)
2018-12 The Research of Hu Shih and Opposition Party in Lei Chen`s Diary: An Analysis of Digital Humanities HUA-YUAN HSUEHHUA-YUAN HSUEH article web page(182)
2019-12 「概念流動與區域對話」專題引言 李宥霆、CHIH-HUANG CHOU article web page(163)