All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Periodical Articles)

Showing 5101-5125 of 5226
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-09 中國傳統醫學面對Covid-19之研究樣貌探討 張騰睿、周昱利、Chang, Teng-Jui、Zhou, Yu-Li article web page(100)
2023-06 不當督導整合型架構:台灣文獻分析 張騰睿、YEH-YUN LIN、Chang, Teng-Jui、YEH-YUN LIN article web page(134)
2023-09 EUMENOL—Merck’s Patent Emmenagogue and its Chinese Connections (1896–1961) CHIH-HUNG CHEN、Chen, Chih-hung、Lee, Jen-der article web page(122)
2023-09 二十世紀初德國人在吐魯番的考古探勘及其影響 CHIH-HUNG CHEN、Chen, Chih-hung article web page(94)
2024-06 Mountains, Clans and Channels of Communication: On the Discourse Concerning Scholars and Officials in Xu Zan's "Huashan Fu" and Its Historical Interpretation TUNG-HAI HSU article web page(82)
2023-10 二十一世紀大學課堂中的《殺夫》 PEI-JEAN CHEN article web page(82)
2023-12 Conventional Illocutions vs. Intentional Illocutions: How Is Illocutionary Disablement Possible? KUANG-MING CHENGKUANG-MING CHENG article web page(101)
2023-12 From Experiencing Truth to the Civil Service Examinations -- An Investigation of the Classical Exegesis in Chen Chen's Sishu qianshuo FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(83)
2023-12 復其見天地之心: 重啟朱子之路的緣起及心得 FENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(64)
2023-12 “The strange journey!”: the translation of Arsène Lupine by Zhou Shoujuan at the beginning of the Republic of China in Shanghai SHUO-WIN CHENSHUO-WIN CHEN article web page(92)
2023-12 另一種聲音—台灣原住民女性作家利格拉樂•阿𡠄的文學 MAL-SOON CHOI article
2023-09 跨宗教、跨派別、跨學科的性別研究─臺灣女神研究的越界交流 YU-CHEN LI article web page(68)
2022-06 Silence, Resolution, and Endurance: An Exploration of Grief Temporality in Bereaved Caregivers of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients 陳薈雅、李宛霖、林耀盛、Chen, Huei-ya、Lee, Wan-lin、Lin, Yaw-sheng article web page(63)
2022-10 Being at Home: The Ethics of Home Care in the Light of Humanities-clinical Studies 陳薈雅、林雅萍、林耀盛、Chen, Huei-ya、Lin, Ya-ping、Lin, Yaw-sheng article web page(81)
2023-01 A Preliminary Study on Participation Barriers of Intercultural and Intergenerational Co-Learning between Foreign Students and Senior Citizens HUANG,YA-YING HUANG、Huang, Ya-ying article web page(106)
2024-02 Unveiling Community Resilience: The Integral Role of Public Libraries PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei-Chun article web page(121)
2023-11 Analyzing drama metadata through machine learning to gain insights into social information dissemination patterns CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Syu, Zih-Sin article web page(105)
2024-01 Detecting microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer using Transformer-based colonoscopy image classification and retrieval CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Jiang, Jeng-Kai、Lin, Chun-Chi article web page(91)
2024-01 Predictive stroke risk model with vision transformer-based Doppler features CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、Hung, Peng-Hsiang article web page(96)
2023-12 The Construction and Significance of the Image of Yi Yin as a "Good Minister": Focusing on Discussions of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips CHI-PING LINCHI-PING LIN article web page(69)
1999-06 淺談先秦文化變遷過程中巫在宗教與政治上所扮演的角色 RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(54)
2024-06 明代劉定之圖書《易》學研究 RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(164)
2023-09 漢代《洪範》學五行化與《易》學可能聯繫之重要意義 RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(84)
1997-06 論孫子兵法之將學思想(上) RUI- HONG CHEN article
1997-08 論孫子兵法之將學思想(下) RUI- HONG CHEN article