All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2326-2350 of 3024
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-05 租金債權讓與後之抵押權人扣押的效力 GUANG-YUEH CHENGUANG-YUEH CHEN article web page(255)
2012-04 2012年修正之證券交易法部分條文評論 LEN-YU LIU article web page(664)
2010-06 A Norm Perspective on the Studies of Qing Legal History HWEI-SYIN CHEN article web page(338)
2015-11 从清朝有关旗人与民人户口法规范谈清朝法制的变迁 HWEI-SYIN CHEN article web page(258)
2010-04 美國律師制度史(三):律師業於十九世紀後半葉的實際運作 HUNG-EN LIU、Friedman, Lawrence M. article web page(318)
2011-12 Some Basic Issues of the Power of the Court to Reduce the Penalties and Liquidated Damages FANG-HSIEN YANG article web page(313)
2013-09 An Analysis on the Causation of Torts in Construction Works Based on European Torts Law LI HWANG article pdf(254)
2011-05 履約爭議解決新趨勢:工程爭議審議機制 ANNA,YUH-MING YAN article web page(256)
2010-12 工程要徑與浮時之爭議 ANNA,YUH-MING YAN article web page(280)
2017-08 Implications and Challenges of the Use of Blockchain for Financial Regulation CHENG-YUN TSANG article web page(330)
2018-08 登山災難、國家責任與救災行政 CHIN-WEN WU article web page(352)
2018-08 A Tentative Analytical Framework and Developing Roadmap for SupTech CHENG-YUN TSANGCHENG-YUN TSANG article pdf(394)
2018-06 Larenz論法官與法律之關係─對Larenz的戰前與戰後法學方法論觀點發展之分析 PO-FENG CHOU article web page(394)
2018-06 A Tentative Analytical Framework and Developing Roadmap for SupTech CHENG-YUN TSANGCHENG-YUN TSANG article pdf(377)
2018-09 我國聯合行為規範現況之結構反省與革新:事前許可制、積極分流與事後查處制 LI-DAR WANGLI-DAR WANG article pdf(462)
2018-11 銀行要求電商提供信用卡收款賣家資訊 有違法疑慮? LI-DAR WANGLI-DAR WANG article pdf(420)
2018-08 高通和解案的門道與喧囂 LI-DAR WANGLI-DAR WANG article pdf(336)
2018-11 魔鬼藏在細節裡:高通案和解筆錄透露的真實訊息 LI-DAR WANGLI-DAR WANG article pdf(511)
2017-10 高通處分案的美麗與哀愁 LI-DAR WANGLI-DAR WANG article pdf(316)
2018-12 Exploring Legal Consciousness: Relational Self and Emotional Balance HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG article pdf(566)
2018-12 新時代的情感教育 : 建構思辨主體,揮灑愛戀空間 HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANG、韓宜臻 article pdf(336)
2018-12 「愛女/厭女:情感與性別」女學會2018年會紀實 HSIAO-TAN WANGHSIAO-TAN WANGWAN-YING YANG、方念萱 、 韓宜臻、 董晉維 article pdf(457)
2019-07 律師代當事人提起顯無理由之訴訟的倫理問題 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(647)
2019-06 A Socio-Legal Study of Aesthetic Medicine and Consumer Protection Act HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU、吳采玟 article pdf(426)
2017-02 生物醫學研究及其技術移轉的利益衝突(Conflict of Interest)議題──研究倫理與法令規範 HUNG-EN LIUHUNG-EN LIU article pdf(192)