All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Periodical Articles)

Showing 2676-2693 of 2693
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-06 Democratic Values and Democratic Support in Rapidly Consolidated Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, 1995-2020 CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAITSUNG-HAN TSAI article web page(139)
2024-06 Institutional Isolation: A Network Analysis of Xi Jinping’s Inspection Tour WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANGHSIN-HSIEN WANGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(161)
2021-05 China’s human rights foreign policy in the Xi Jinping era: Normative revisionism shrouded in discursive moderation CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C.、Hsu, Chiahao article web page(125)
2017-05 Counterterrorist Legislation and Respect for Civil Liberties: An Inevitable Collision? CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C.、Shor, Eran、Baccini, Leonardo、Tsai, Chi-Ting、Lin, Tai-Ho article web page(120)
2018-02 Double-Speaking Human Rights: Analyzing Human Rights Conception in Chinese Politics (1989-2015) CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C.、Hsu, Chia-hao article web page(140)
2016-03 Constructing an Inter-Subjective Imaginality: Analyzing Taiwan’s Institute of International Relations and Its China Studies during the Early Cold War (1953–1975) CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C. article web page(124)
2024-06 Exploring Interpersonal Networks Based on Text Analysis: Insights from the Overseas Taiwanese Leftist Database YI-CHIEH WUHUA-YUAN HSUEH、Wu, Yi-Chieh、HUA-YUAN HSUEH article pdf(94)
2024-08 Information, emotion, and direct democracy: evidence from a survey experiment on Taiwan’s nuclear power plant referendum CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI article web page(134)
2024-09 台灣2024年總統選舉中的候選人兩岸立場如何影響選民投票決定的初步研究 CHING-HSIN YUYI-CHING HSIAOCHING-HSIN YU、Hsiao, Yi-ching article pdf(34)
2024-09 【書評】Ding, Iza (2022). The Performative State: Public Scrutiny and Environmental Governance in China. Cornell University Press. CHIH-CHIEH CHEN、Chen, Titus C. article pdf(67)
2023-12 Peace and Evacuation: Taiwanese Folklore and Beliefs amidst the Epidemic--Focusing on the Rituals of Plague Expulsion and Patrol YING-FA HUNG、Hung, Ying Fa article web page(60)
2024-06 From Local Rituals to Cultural Heritage: The Formation and Transformation of the Pilgrimage Rituals of Shangbaijiao in Xuejia YING-FA HUNG、Hung, Ying-Fa、Wang, Nai-Zheng article web page(71)
2024-10 Communicative Democracy and Voter Choice: Evidence from a Conjoint Analysis in Taiwan CHIA-HUNG TSAICHIA-HUNG TSAI、Wang, Ching-Hsing article web page(73)
2024-06 Measurement of Citizens' Perception of Party Ambivalence in Taiwan YI-CHING HSIAO、Hsiao, Yi-ching article web page(46)
2023-09 Building Rules-Based International Order in the Midst of U.S.-China Geostrategic Rivalry? Views from Southeast Asia CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE article pdf(40)
2024-09 Issuance of the “Opinions on Punishing ‘Taiwan Independence’ Diehards” and Its Implications for China’s Taiwan Policy WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(49)
2024-07 The Development and Future of Taiwan's Folk Religion Database: Focusing on the Beigang Wude Temple Inspirational Writings Database YING-FA HUNG、張智傑、周舜瑾、Hung, Yingfa、Jang, Jr Jie、Chou, Shun Chin article web page(29)
2024-11 The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: Implications for Regional Security and Cross-Strait Relations WEI-FENG TZENGHSIN-HSIEN WANG article web page(4)