All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Periodical Articles、1990-1999)

Showing 1451-1475 of 1510
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1999 容積移轉與古跡保存 YUAN-SHING LIN、陳貞君 article pdf(596)
1996 臺灣地區經濟發展對土地資源配置之影響 CHENG-JUNG YANG article
1993 臺灣婦女勞動參與特征與家庭“人力補充” CHIH-YU CHENG、佟新 article pdf(460)
1998-12 The Impact of Real Estate Cycles on Construction Lags Peng, Chien-Wen、CHIN-OH CHANG、Lin, Antsong、彭建文、CHIN-OH CHANG、林恩從 article web page(931)
1998-12 Export-Share Requirement and Technology Choice Chiou, Jiunn-Rong、Wu, Shih-Jye、Hwang, Hong、邱俊榮、吳世傑、黃鴻 article web page(725)
1997-03 The Influence of Increased Foreign Competition on Profitability and Concentration in the Taiwan Petrochemistry Industry(In Chinese. With English summary.). KUO-LIANG WANGKUO-LIANG WANG article web page(841)
1998-03 Research on the Formosan Salt Monopoly during the Early Period (1895-1911) of Japanese Rule in Taiwan Huang, Shaw-Herng、黃紹恆 article web page(516)
1998-03 Tariff Structure and Import Policy YUNGHO WENG、Liu, Bih-Jane、YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍 article web page(756)
1996-12 List Price, Transaction Price, and Duration of the Real Estate Market in Taiwan Lee, Chun-Chang、CHIN-OH CHANGCHIN-OH CHANG article web page(863)
1992-03 A Survival Analysis of Firms in the Textile and Food Industries in Taipei CHU-CHIA LIN、Fang, Shin-Tiao、CHU-CHIA LIN article web page(1628)
1995-05 Factors Influencing Individual Recycling Behavior in Office Settings: A Study of Office Workers in Taiwan Lee, Yung Jaan、李永展 article web page(854)
1997 Electoral politics in new democracies in the Asia‐pacific region Hsieh, John Fuh‐sheng、謝復生 article web page(644)
1997-09 The Reform of the Electric Power Industry in Taiwan JYH-YIH HSU、JYH-YIH HSU、Chen, Tser-yieth article pdf(237)
1997 The Deregulation of Taiwan`s Electric Power Industry JYH-YIH HSU、JYH-YIH HSU、Chen, Tser-yieth article pdf(307)
1997 國際油價預測之情境分析 JYH-YIH HSU、洪育民 article web page(358)
1997 發電成本分析:經濟法與會計法之比較研究(上) JYH-YIH HSU、簡雪芳 article web page(297)
1997 發電成本分析:經濟法與會計法之比較研究(下) JYH-YIH HSU、簡雪芳 article web page(265)
1999 台灣二氧化碳減量政策之探討 JYH-YIH HSU article pdf(243)
1998 因應京都議定書之能源與環境對策 JYH-YIH HSU article web page(278)
1998 我國石油法規之檢討及其改革方向(上) JYH-YIH HSU article web page(227)
1998 我國石油法規之檢討及其改革方向(下) JYH-YIH HSU article web page(246)
1999 油電事業自由化與民營化研討會-電業自由化與民營化之探討 JYH-YIH HSU article pdf(219)
1998 臺灣電業自由化之問題與對策 JYH-YIH HSU article web page(260)
1996 美國能源政策之演變及評估 JYH-YIH HSU article web page(270)
1996 台灣電業自由化改革架構之研擬 JYH-YIH HSU article web page(307)