All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 1980
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012.12 泰雅族地理調查與研究-從泰雅族的河流故事談起 DA-WEI KUAN article pdf(911)
2014-01 是誰告訴人民政府表現如何?政府績效、公共資訊、與外電新聞的守門人之研究 DON-YUN CHEN、孫玟秀、呂季蓉、DON-YUN CHEN、 Lu, Chi-Jung、 Sun, Wen-Show article pdf(1432)
201106 政策利害關係人指認的理論與實務:以全民健保改革為例 DON-YUN CHEN、劉宜君、NAIYI HSIAO、林昭吟、DON-YUN CHENYI-CHUN LIUNAIYI HSIAO、Lin,Chao-Yin article pdf(1339)
2014-03 Old habits die hard: a nationwide utilization study of short-acting nifedipine in Taiwan LI-FANG CHOU、Chou, Chia-Lin、Chou, Chia-Yu、LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU、Chen, Tzeng-Ji、LI-FANG CHOU article web page(2093)
2012.09 An Estimation of the Impact of Feng-Sui on Housing Prices in Taiwan: An Application of Quantile Regression CHU-CHIA LINCHU-CHIA LIN、 Chen, Chien-Liang 、 Twu, Ya-Chien article pdf(929)
2014 An Economy-wide Analysis of Impacts on Taiwan of Reducing Tariff Escalation on Agriculture-related Products in WTO Doha Round Negotiations HUEY-LIN LEE、張靜貞、YUNGHO WENG、許聖民、徐世勳、HUEY-LIN LEEHUEY-LIN LEEYUNGHO WENG、Hsu ,Sheng-Ming 、SHIH-HSUN HSU article pdf(1255)
2010-05 法拍屋拍定價格對於再轉售價格之定錨效果 TZU-CHIN LIN、柯光峻、TZU-CHIN LIN、Ko, Guang-jiunn article pdf(1665)
2012.02 Taiwan`s Presidential Election: A Referendum on the 1992 Consensus 嚴震生 article pdf(570)
2011-01 最適差別通路稅之分析 K.L.GLEN UENGCHIA-EN WU article pdf(1148)
2010-01 從價 V.S. 從量出口貿易政策的福利效果之比較 多家本國廠商的情況 郭虹瑩、K.L.GLEN UENG article pdf(1350)
2011.07 Emergent Complexity in Agent-Based Computational Economics SHU-HENG CHENSHU G. WANGSHU-HENG CHENSHU G. WANG article pdf(1088)
2011 Agents Learned, but Do We? Knowledge Discovery Using the Agent-Based Double Auction Markets SHU-HENG CHEN、Tina Yu、SHU-HENG CHEN article pdf(683)
2012.06 Agent-Based Economic Models and Econometrics SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Chang, Chia-Ling 、 Du,Ye-Rong article pdf(1416)
2010 On the Elasticity Puzzle: Would the Agent-Based Modeling Help SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN article web page(684)
2010 Corporate Governance and Equity Evaluation: Nonlinear Modeling via Neural Networks SHU-HENG CHEN、H.-S Kao、J.-Z Lee、SHU-HENG CHEN、Kao,Hui-Sung 、Lee,Jan-Zan article pdf(1116)
2010-02 對簽署ECFA的評估與檢討 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article pdf(1020)
2010-06 經濟讓利後 中國期待台灣政治讓利 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article web page(971)
2010-07 The East Asian Economic Integration Regime and Taiwan CHEN-YUAN TUNG article
2010-07 未來事件交易所與台灣選舉 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article pdf(967)
2010-01 The Impact of Five Cities Elections on Cross-Strait Relations CHEN-YUAN TUNGCHEN-YUAN TUNG article pdf(1273)
2010-11 五都選舉分析 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article pdf(890)
2010-12 五大都市選挙が両岸関係に及ぼす影響 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article
2010-12 五都選舉對兩岸關係之影響 CHEN-YUAN TUNG article
2011 中國經濟研究的網路資源索引 CHEN-YUAN TUNG、王國臣 article
2011 2009年台灣縣市長選舉預測分析 CHEN-YUAN TUNG、周子全、JIH-WEN LIN、HSIN-YI LINHSIN-YI LINCHEN-YUAN TUNG、Chou,Tzu-Chuan 、JIH-WEN LIN article pdf(1681)