All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 226-250 of 1980
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-05 Interaction Analysis among Industrial Parks, Innovation Input, and Urban Production Efficiency TAI-MING BEN、Wang,Kuan-Fei article pdf(873)
2011-07 台北市中古屋價格與法拍屋拍定價格非對稱價格調整行為之研究 江淑玲、蔡明憲、CHIN-OH CHANG、Chiang,Shu-Ling 、SZU-LANG LIAOCHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(943)
2011-07 應用AHP法評估臺灣的行政區域重劃 賴炳樹JEN-TE PAI article pdf(870)
2012-10 電腦展成功因素與參展網路關係之研究 廖皇傑、TAI-MING BEN article pdf(821)
2011-06 稅收增額融資(TIF)於國內外運用之差異與新出路--大眾捷運建設之財源籌措 蘇偉強、TSUNG-YU LAI article
2011-07 The relationship between green roofs and the thermal environment in Taipei city Sun,C.-Y. article
2012-11 The Thermal Influence of Green Roofs on Air Temperature in Taipei City CHEN-YI SUN article web page(1150)
2010-09 Transmission of Knowledge and the Role of Knowledge Community: Evidence from Bicycle SMEs in Taiwan JEN-TE PAI、Hu,Tai-Shan article
2011 Constraints on the origin and evolution of Iani Chaos, Mars SHIH-YUAN LIN、Gupta,Sanjeev 、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Muller,Jan-Peter 、Corre,Lucille Le 、Morley,Jeremy 、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、McGonigle,Chris article pdf(1143)
2010-06 Retreat of a giant cataract in a long-lived (3.7 Ga - 2.6 Ga) martian outflow channel SHIH-YUAN LIN、Gupta,Sanjeev 、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、Muller,Jan-Peter、SHIH-YUAN LIN article pdf(1104)
2011-03 Late Noachian to Hesperian Climate Change on Mars: Evidence of Episodic Warming from Transient Crater Lakes near Ares Vallis SHIH-YUAN LIN、Gupta,Sanjeev 、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Muller,Jan-Peter 、Morley,Jeremy、SHIH-YUAN LIN article pdf(1230)
2010-05 Enhancement of the predictive accuracy in logistic regression model by optimal threshold TSO-YU LIN、Yang,Hsien-Chueh Peter 、Chen,Tsung-Hao article web page(1222)
2010-07 不動產證券化信託資產價值評估之研究-資訊揭露內涵與時效性 YING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANG article web page(913)
2014-06 影響不動產市場之從眾行為與總體經濟因素之研究 TSO-YU LIN、程于芳、TSO-YU LIN、 Cheng, Yu-Fang article pdf(1253)
2010.06 出租人變更與承租人變更之競合 張鈺光 article web page(803)
2011.07 公共設施保留地徵收地價補償標準之探討—評最高行政法院98年度判字第254號判決 LI-FU CHEN article web page(1045)
2012-12 土地法實務導讀 LI-FU CHEN article
2012-06 土地登記之損害賠償 LI-FU CHEN article
2010-07 日本都市再開發(再生)之經驗-以法律手段之側面為中心(一) LI-FU CHEN article web page(900)
2010-06 土地徵收、都市計畫與徵收前之協議程序簡評最高行政法院九六年判字第一四四二號判決 LI-FU CHEN article web page(626)
2010-12 徵收範圍以外土地之損失補償制度—我國殘餘地補償及接連地補償問題初探 LI-FU CHEN article web page(875)
2011-03 土地法實務導讀 LI-FU CHEN article
2010-03 土地法實務導讀 LI-FU CHEN article
2011-10 土地法實務導讀 LI-FU CHEN article
2012-11 我國土地登記法制若干問題之辨析 LI-FU CHEN article web page(1033)