All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Periodical Articles)

Showing 8076-8100 of 8240
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-03 An Examination of the Recovery-Promoting Professional Competency of Professionals Working at Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centers LI-YU SONG、廖偉迪、LI-YU SONG、Liao, Wei-Ti article web page(176)
2024-01 Policy linkages, country size, and international capital distribution YU-BONG LAIYU-BONG LAI article web page(161)
2022-12 Ditching the DPP', 'Resisting China and Preserving Taiwan', and Democracy: Interpreting the results of local elections in 2022 MEI-CHUAN WEIMEI-CHUAN WEI article web page(173)
2023-12 Applying Deep Learning to Automatically Detect Building Changes from True Orthoimages in Different Periods SHIH-HONG CHIO、許家彰、SHIH-HONG CHIO、Hsu, Chia-chang article web page(126)
2024-01 耕地分割之限制與分割登記─最高行政法院109年度上字第717號判決解說 LI-FU CHEN article web page(107)
2023-07 Incubating grounded transnational advocacy networks: the making of transnational movements for marriage migrants HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA、Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan article web page(125)
2021-08 Bringing resource management back into the environmental governance agenda: eco-state restructuring in China YI-CHUN LINYI-CHUN LIN article web page(157)
2024-04 Greedy Jobs的臺灣現形記及其政策意涵 MEI-CHUN LIU article web page(159)
2021-06 Realizable Utility Maximization as a Mechanism for the Stability of Competitive General Equilibrium in a Scarf Economy SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN article web page(122)
2022-04 The competitions of time-varying and constant loadings in asset pricing models: empirical evidence and agent-based simulations SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、Lin, Hung-Wen、Huang, Jing-Bo、Lin, Kun-Ben article web page(145)
2021-07 Timely Loss Recognition Helps Nothing SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、Lin, Hung-Wen、Huang, Jing-Bo、Lin, Kun-Ben article web page(170)
2021-06 Altruism and social utility in consumer sharing behavior ALICIA SAY、Say, Alicia L.、Guo, Ruey-Shan A.、Chen, Chialin article web page(174)
2024-02 現有巷道認定及其權利救濟之探討 LI-FU CHEN article web page(190)
2024-03 The Land Value Tax on Land Used for Public Passage Free of Charge LI-FU CHENLI-FU CHEN article web page(147)
2024-02 Using Sparse Parts in Fused Information to Enhance Performance in Latent Low-Rank Representation-Based Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images FANG-SHII NINGFANG-SHII NING、Hao, Chen-Yu、Chen, Yao-Chung、Chou, Tien-Yin、Chen, Mei-Hsin article web page(137)
2023-08 East Meets West: Income and Subjective Well-being WEN-CHIEH WUWEN-CHIEH WU、Cui, Zhen、Chen, Li-Hsueh article web page(141)
2024-04 Optimal local content requirement under export share requirement consideration YUNGHO WENGYUNGHO WENG、Hung, Chih-Ming article web page(162)
2023-12 Introduction to the Lifting of the Unconstitutional Ban on Night Work for Women in Germany in 1992: A Comparison with Interpretation No. 807 Issued by the Constitutional Court of Taiwan TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui article pdf(4)
2023-05 Using Space-L complex network model for public transportation supply and demand analysis in Taipei metropolitan area JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI、Wang, Junye、Pai, Shin-En article web page(138)
2022-06 Research and Application of Inclusive TOD Evaluation Criterion in Localization JEN-TE PAI、陳柏維、JEN-TE PAI、Chen, Po-wei article web page(96)
2022-04 Research on Walkability Evaluation of Urban Streets in Taiwan JEN-TE PAI、陳啓安、胡迪、JEN-TE PAI、Chen, Ci-an、Hu, Di article web page(112)
2021-06 A Study on the User Behavior and Demand for Co-working Spaces in Taipei City and New Taipei City JEN-TE PAI、曾冠凱、胡迪、劉文驤、JEN-TE PAI、Tseng, Kuan-kai、Hu, Di、Liu, Wen-xiang article web page(90)
2020-09 近距離觀察美國聖路易斯市的房屋交易 FONG-YAO CHEN article web page(96)
2024-03 影響原住民族土地價值因素分析 FONG-YAO CHEN、田原、蔡祥 article web page(193)
2023-12 原住民族土地之價值觀與政府管制 FONG-YAO CHEN、江雋喆、歐蜜.偉浪、遊思夷、趙衿慧、簡毓宣 article web page(139)