All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、1970-1979)

Showing 1451-1475 of 1614
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1970-06 American Law on Patent License 甯育豐 article web page(289)
1970-06 A Study on Anti-revolutionary Offense of the Communist China 劉清波 article web page(372)
1970-06 The Legal Problems of the Concept of Enterprise 蘇俊雄 article web page(237)
1970-06 The Effects of Rescission of Death Declaration on the Marital Status and Property 劉得寬 article web page(451)
1970-06 The Legal Effects on the Bill of Lading 施智謀 article web page(212)
1970-06 The Civil Liability of Euthanasia 鄭玉波 article web page(287)
1970-06 How the Legal Education in Germany Affects Her Trial Proceedings 翁岳生 article web page(293)
1970-06 The Problems Regarding the Criminal Trial of Chinese District Court 林榮耀 article web page(310)
1970-06 Franz von Zeiller und sein Naturrechtliche Gedanke im Osterreichischen Akkgeneunen Burgerlichen Gestzbuch 戴東雄 article web page(203)
1970-06 Career Judiciary in the Republic of China 楊崇森 article web page(303)
1970-06 Fines and the Indigent in the United States - A Legal and Penological Survey 王啟中 article web page(281)
1970-06 Some Observations on the Legal Aspect of the Specific Risk Investment Guaranty Program Sponsored by Agency for International Development of the United States of America 徐小波 article web page(296)
1970-06 The Problem of Micro-States in International Law CHARNG-VEN CHEN article web page(249)
1970-12 Insurance and Similar Business Undertaking WEN-SEN SHIH article web page(310)
1970-12 The Deterioration and Subseqent Reform of the Principle of 楊崇森 article web page(303)
1970-12 On States of mind of the 蔡墩銘 article web page(309)
1970-12 Legal Aspects of Aircraft Hijcking CHARNG-VEN CHEN article web page(275)
1970-12 The Legal Problems on Container Under Chinese Law 施智謀 article web page(295)
1970-12 Regulatory Pattern of Broker-Dealers in the United States 余雪明 article web page(241)
1970-12 German Law on Patent Licenses 甯育豐 article web page(259)
1970-12 The Administrative Organization and its Reform of German Universities (Hochschule) from Legal Aspect 蘇俊雄 article web page(272)
1970-12 The Nature of Property and Credit on the Mortgage 劉得寬 article web page(278)
1970-12 Hsueh Yun-sheng, An Ancient Chinese Jurist in the Ch`ing Period 黃靜嘉 article web page(273)
1970-12 The Soviet Union and the Recent Development of the Law of the Sea 白威廉 article web page(235)
1970-12 The Hearsay Rule in the Common Law System 陶龍生 article web page(358)