All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、1970-1979)

Showing 1501-1525 of 1614
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1971-12 A Study of Chinese Legal Thoughts from the Viewpoint of Human Nature 戴東雄 article web page(296)
1971-12 The Legal Regime of Continental Shelf of the U.S.S.R. 白威廉 article web page(285)
1971-12 Limitations on Air Carrier`s Liability to Passengers 李如慕 article web page(381)
1971-12 Herausarbeitung und vergleichende Untersuchung der Charakteristik des Verwaltungsrechts emiger Lander 城仲模 article web page(330)
1971-12 Practicability of Weighted Voting in the UN General Assembly 董瑞麒 article web page(248)
1971-12 Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities in Chinese Treaties 林清修 article web page(258)
1971-12 Lawyers` Role in Judicial Reform 姚嘉文 article web page(276)
1971-12 Chi-tung Ling, Annotations and Comments of Chinese Constitution 涂懷瑩 article web page(282)
1971-12 Chi-yang Shih, the Bundesverfassungsgericht of West Germany 楊國棟 article web page(224)
1972-06 The Legal Control of Public Security in the Communist China 劉清波 article web page(308)
1972-06 On the Evolution of Criminal Law and Judicial System in Modern Chinese Legal History 林茂松 article web page(245)
1972-06 Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors 王澤鑑 article web page(292)
1972-06 The Concept of Consideration in Common Law 劉得寬 article web page(630)
1972-06 Application of The Hague Rule concerning Bill of Lading as viewed from the Anglo-American Practice 施智謀 article web page(294)
1972-06 The Effect of 曹鴻蘭 article web page(261)
1972-06 An Introduction to Administrative Compulsory 城仲模 article web page(311)
1972-06 International Ecinomic Institutions and Their Provisions relating to the Economic Development of Developing Countries 王仁宏 article web page(255)
1972-06 A Study of The Tiaoyutai Problem 丘宏達 article web page(307)
1972-06 Die Bedeutung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Urban, Richard article web page(574)
1972-06 Family Torts and Relational Interests Liu, Tieh-cheng article web page(525)
1972-06 A Comparative Study of the American and Chinese Law of Justifiable Defenses Lu, Shiu-lian article web page(497)
1972-12 On the Statute of the Anti-Revolutionary Offences of the Communist China 劉清波 article web page(303)
1972-12 The Hague Rules: The Liability of Carriers as viewed from the Anglo-American Practice 施智謀 article web page(242)
1972-12 Abuse of Rights and exceptio doli 黃越欽 article web page(305)
1972-12 Automobile Accidents and Civorce Liability 劉得寬 article web page(339)