All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、1970-1979)

Showing 1576-1600 of 1614
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1976-02 New Problems of Freedom of Press in the English Law and Its Implications in Constitution 劉惠林 article 說明頁(209)
1976-02 Book Reviews:Chi-tung Lin, Principles of Administrative Law(1966) 涂懷瑩 article 說明頁(277)
1976-02 Antitrust in the United States:Some Historical and Recent Developments and Trends 佛克屈 article 說明頁(180)
1976-10 The Validity of the Both-to-Blame Collision Clause and the Jason Clause 施智謀 article 說明頁(213)
1976-10 The Renvoi Clause and The Uniformnity of Results 劉鐵錚 article 說明頁(207)
1976-10 Married Women`s Property Right under the Laws of the United States: A Comparative Study 王中一 article 說明頁(279)
1976-10 The Study on Clause of Liability Limitation for Passenger Carriage by Air 劉春堂 article 說明頁(176)
1976-10 The Prosecuting System of the Republic of Korea 黃東熊 article 說明頁(360)
1976-10 Givil Liabilities under Securities Regulations - for Guaranteeing the Truth of Securities 賴源河 article 說明頁(208)
1976-10 A Study and Interpreation of Official Titles in the Statutes of Tang Dynasty 勞政武 article 說明頁(322)
1976-10 The Meaning of Danger in Averting Imminent Danger in Criminal Law 周世傳 article 說明頁(246)
1976-10 Concerning the German Federal Constitutional Court 許塔克 article 說明頁(190)
1977-02 On the Pre-emptive Right to Subscribe to New Shares(I) 賴源河 article 說明頁(202)
1977-02 A Study of the Ammendments to the Marriage Law&Domestic-Relation Law of The West Germany 林菊枝 article 說明頁(198)
1977-02 Development of Civil Law in Bundersrepublik Deutschland 劉得寬 article 說明頁(219)
1977-02 The Prevention of International Jurisdiction`s Conflict 劉鐵錚 article 說明頁(200)
1977-02 The System of Guilty Plea in The United States 黃東熊 article 說明頁(187)
1977-02 A Study of The Hearsay Rule in Criminal Evidence Law 周世傳 article 說明頁(284)
1977-10 親屬法與男女平等原則 林菊枝 article 說明頁(223)
1977-10 公害中噪音與振動之法律觀 黃加昌 article 說明頁(191)
1977-10 論新股認購權(下) 賴源河 article 說明頁(200)
1977-10 起訴裁量權之研究 黃東熊 article 說明頁(162)
1977-10 國際私法上定性問題之研究 劉鐵錚 article 說明頁(156)
1977-10 論商務仲裁判斷在國際間之效力 藍獻林 article 說明頁(189)
1978-02 親權法上幾個疑難問題之研討 林菊枝 article 說明頁(254)