All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 26-50 of 15388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-01 Phonological experiments in the study of palatalization in Mandarin I-PING WAN、Wan, I.-P article web page(1725)
2010-10 部落格與競選傳播:以 2008 年台灣總統大選候選人為例 HERNG SUPAO-FANG CHANG article web page(0)
2010-07 液態新聞:新一代記者與當前媒介境況 ─以Zygmunt Bauman「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎 華婉伶、KUO-JEN TSANG article pdf(917)
2010.01 真實的虛假與虛假的真實 林恩盈 article pdf(920)
2011-06 評David Kirkpatrick著, 李芳齡譯,《Facebook臉書效應:從0到7億的串連》(天下雜誌,2011) PAI-LIN CHENWEI-GONG LIOU、林晉寬、林蕙雅、林建江、陳意文 article
2011-11 Language socialization of affect in Mandarin parent-child conversation CHIUNG-CHIH HUANGCHIUNG-CHIH HUANG article pdf(1154)
2010.07 開啟本地傳播個案教學的契機 HUEI-LING LIU article pdf(286)
2010-01-30 曼陀羅思考法對精進學習策略的啟示 MU-JIN CHEN article pdf(6486)
2010-01 Uniform Design over General Input Domains with Applications to Target Region Estimation in Computer Experiments YING-CHAO HUNGYING-CHAO HUNGYING-CHAO HUNG article pdf(1958)
2010-02 Contemporary trends in East Asian higher education: dispositions of international students in a Taiwan university Roberts, Amy 、CHUING CHOU、 Ching, Greg. article pdf(2790)
2013-12 我國原住民電視台公共問責機制的研究與想像 YAE-WEI WANGYAE-WEI WANG article web page(1136)
2012-04 The effectiveness of advertising that leverages sponsorship and cause-related marketing: A contingency model CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article web page(1702)
2013.02 Seeing Is Believing: The Direct and Contingent Influence of Pictures in Health Promotion Advertising CHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1096)
201106 政策利害關係人指認的理論與實務:以全民健保改革為例 DON-YUN CHEN、劉宜君、NAIYI HSIAO、林昭吟、DON-YUN CHEN、Liu,I-Chun 、NAIYI HSIAO、Lin,Chao-Yin article pdf(1405)
2010-01-25 兩岸學術交流20年(1989-2008) 李瞻 article pdf(2641)
2014-03 Old habits die hard: a nationwide utilization study of short-acting nifedipine in Taiwan LI-FANG CHOU、Chou, Chia-Lin、Chou, Chia-Yu、LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU、Chen, Tzeng-Ji、LI-FANG CHOU article web page(2136)
2010-06 論公司法下董事會發行新股之權限與責任——以公司法第一五六條第五項股份交換制度為核心,兼論股東優先認股權之存廢 TE-FANG CHU、Chu, Te-Fang article pdf(2210)
2010 Compatibility of finite discrete conditional distributions CHWAN-CHIN SONGCHWAN-CHIN SONG、Jiang, Tom J.、THOMAS J. JIANGCHWAN-CHIN SONG、Chen C.-H.、THOMAS J. JIANG article pdf(513)
2010-01 韓中同形完全異意語的異質化研究-以語源的考察為中心- CHIU-WEN KUO、Kuo, Chiu-Wen article pdf(1281)
2010-05-17 打造國際化的求學環境 YUNG-CHIEN LOU article
2010-04-31 創意生活體驗 孕育創意經濟發展 JEN-FANG LEE article
2011-11 嘉道之際北京士大夫的崇祀鄭玄活動 HSING-CHIEN CHE article pdf(683)
2011-04 論鄭玄論語注的經注思維及其經學思想之表達 HSING-CHIEN CHE article
2010-06 田野中的經史學家──顧頡剛學術考察事業中的古蹟文物調查活動 HSING-CHIEN CHEHSING-CHIEN CHE article pdf(1186)
2010-01 蘭亭修禊的文化闡釋──自然的發現與本體的探詢 黃偉倫、Huang, Wei-Lun article pdf(964)