All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 14851-14875 of 15388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-06 迴避解僱得否做勞動條件的不利變更?/花蓮地院九八勞訴六 CHIA-HO LINCHIA-HO LIN article web page(290)
2018-03 Will firm`s marketing efforts on owned social media payoff? A quasi-experimental analysis of tourism products HSIN-LU CHANGHSIN-LU CHANGYEN-CHUN CHOU、Wu, Dai-Yu、Wu, Sou-Chein article pdf(514)
2015-03 緬甸果敢衝突對中緬關係的影響 陳宗巖 article pdf(173)
2017-11 《記紀》中的「歌謡」與「故事」-以蘇我本宗家滅亡之預言歌群為中心 CHIA-YU CHENGCHIA-YU CHENG article pdf(243)
2011-12 Myths about anti-ship Ballistic missiles Yang, S.-Y.、Vocke, William C.、WILLIAM CARL VOCKE JR article pdf(1032)
2010-01 How Cultural and Linguistic Pluralism Shape Humor: Social Construction of Singapore’s Humor Industry TSUI-CHUAN LINYU-LI LIU article web page(732)
2014-09 Megaflood analysis through channel networks of the Athabasca Valles, Mars based on multi-resolution stereo DTMs and 2D hydrodynamic modeling Kim, J.-R.、Schumann, G.、Neal, J.C.、Lin, Shih Yuan、SHIH-YUAN LIN article pdf(815)
2012-04 Emerging topics detection and measurement YI-NING TUJIA-LANG SENGYI-NING TUJIA-LANG SENG article web page(1404)
2011-02 The development of mobile broadcasting TV: A socio-technical comparison of Singapore and Taiwan YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU article pdf(1733)
2018-06 後社會主義的參與式自然資源保育和社群韌性-以中國大陸拉布海流域管理為例 邵建民、Shaw, Johnny、CHING-PING TANGCHING-PING TANGCHING-PING TANG article pdf(351)
2014-10 Analysis of, and Prespects for, Neighborhood Policy between Mainland China and Russia HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN article pdf(836)
2011 Positioning Brand Extensions in Comparative Advertising: An Assessment of the Roles of Comparative Brand Similarity, Comparative Claims, and Consumer Product Knowledge LIEN-TI BEI、 Chu, Chia-Hsien 、 Shen, Yung-Cheng、LIEN-TI BEI、朱家賢、沈永正 article pdf(1172)
2014-06 Tokenism in Psychology: Standing on the Shoulders of Small Boys Linkov, Václav、林科福 article pdf(784)
2015-06 從廣西西南三縣農曆七月壯族燒衣(pyau ei)儀式論壯族本土宗教儀式專家的傳承 YA-NING KAOYA-NING KAO article pdf(829)
2014-04 快速找尋停車格問題分析-以雙排單向道停車為例 劉繕榜、林謙、黃柏虔、胡裕仁、YI-WU CHANG article pdf(344)
2016-12 夏季臺北都會區熱島效應之研究 CHEN-YI SUN、簡子翔、CHEN-YI SUN、Jian, Zi-Xiang article pdf(475)
2010-01 Sakizaya or Amis? - A Hidden Ethnic Group in Taiwan? Lin, Melissa Shih-hui article pdf(405)
2017 Special feature: Computational and simulation paradigms for evolutionary and institutional economics SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN article pdf(493)
2013 組織中的時間與時間觀:回顧與展望 TZU-TING LIN、 鄭伯壎、TZU-TING LIN、 Cheng, Bor-Shiuan article web page(1006)
2013.07 平埔族群取得原住民身分之相關土地議題探討 DA-WEI KUAN、Kuan, Da-wei article pdf(1041)
2010-02 現階段美臺關係之評估 DENG-KER LEE、Lee, Deng-Ker article
2010-01 消除貧困與愛滋病防治:發展與援助的觀點 趙甦成 article web page(363)
2011-06 失落的「新村」?楊逵、田中保男和入田春彥的文學交誼與思想實踐 陳淑容、Chen, Shu-Jung article pdf(489)
2010-06 Optimal Multi-Period Asset Allocation: Matching Assets to Liabilities in a Discrete Model/Journal of Risk and Insurance HONG-CHIH HUANG、Huang, Hong‐Chih article pdf(301)
2011-01 Volatility Transmission between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate in the G7 Countries MING-CHI CHENMING-CHI CHEN、 Shyu, David 、MING-CHI CHEN article web page(1258)