All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 14876-14900 of 15395
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 組織中的時間與時間觀:回顧與展望 TZU-TING LIN、 鄭伯壎、TZU-TING LIN、 Cheng, Bor-Shiuan article web page(1007)
2013.07 平埔族群取得原住民身分之相關土地議題探討 DA-WEI KUAN、Kuan, Da-wei article pdf(1042)
2010-02 現階段美臺關係之評估 DENG-KER LEE、Lee, Deng-Ker article
2010-01 消除貧困與愛滋病防治:發展與援助的觀點 趙甦成 article web page(363)
2011-06 失落的「新村」?楊逵、田中保男和入田春彥的文學交誼與思想實踐 陳淑容、Chen, Shu-Jung article pdf(489)
2010-06 Optimal Multi-Period Asset Allocation: Matching Assets to Liabilities in a Discrete Model/Journal of Risk and Insurance HONG-CHIH HUANG、Huang, Hong‐Chih article pdf(302)
2011-01 Volatility Transmission between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate in the G7 Countries MING-CHI CHENMING-CHI CHEN、 Shyu, David 、MING-CHI CHEN article web page(1260)
2013-04 習近平出席第12屆博鰲論壇的意涵 孫國祥 article pdf(237)
2012-10 複數個契約間之債務不履行與解除 GUANG-YUEH CHENGUANG-YUEH CHEN article web page(353)
2015-08 Patentee`s Liability for a Wrongful Preliminary Injunction - Case Studies in China and Taiwan HUANG-CHIH SUNG、Sung, Huang-Chih article web page(550)
2013.03 長期照顧在原鄉實施的檢討 TSEN-YUNG WANGTSEN-YUNG WANG article pdf(1222)
2010-01 U.S. post cold-war grand strategy in the Asia-pacific region: A policy of containment or a policy of hedging toward mainland China? Sawadogo, Wilfried Relwende、薩威飛 article pdf(734)
2012-08 On the Determinants of Derivative Hedging by Insurance Companies: Evidence from Taiwan YUNG-MING SHIU、Wang, Chi-Feng、Adams, Andrew、Shin, Yi-Cheng、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(617)
2012-06 「高信疆世代」報導文學寫作「班底」創作轉型現象──以陳銘磻為主要考察對象 TANG-CHI CHANG article pdf(1007)
2015-03 Reform Retreat and Renewal: How Economic Policy Fits into the Political System Naughton, Barry article web page(548)
2014 Using second-order probabilities to make maximum entropy approach to copulas more reasonable BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WUBER-LIN WUBER-LIN WU article web page(1119)
2014-03 現金逐出合併時少數股東的股份收買請求權 游啟璋、Yu, Chi-Chang article pdf(503)
2018-04 「莫習會」及印度外交走向研析 ROGER LIU article pdf(134)
2013-10 台灣製造業二欄位產業生產效率之比較:共同生產函數之應用 TAI-HSIN HUANG、劉南宏、黃雅鈴、TAI-HSIN HUANG、Liu,Nan-Hung 、Huang,Ya-Ling article pdf(931)
2013-12 定執行刑之刑罰裁量 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(339)
2010-08 當消費者熱愛一個品牌時-發現品牌關係的時間面向 YU-FEN CHIEN、何振維、YU-FEN CHIEN、Ho, Chen-Wei article pdf(379)
2011-06 From Gay to Ex-Gay: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Christian Ex-Gays YU-FEN CHIENYU-FEN CHIEN article pdf(645)
2010-04 The overconfidence of investors in the primary market YEN-SHAN HSUCHENG-YI SHIUYEN-SHAN HSUHSING-YI CHOW article pdf(1294)
2015-05 Understanding learners` self-assessment and self-feedback on their foreign language speaking performance SHU-CHEN HUANGSHU-CHEN HUANG article web page(1395)
2017-11 蘋果的政治技術:台灣高山農業的領域政治與經濟 洪伯邑、Hung, Po-Yi、蕭彗岑、Hsiao, Hui-Tsen article pdf(550)