All Of Publications(Limit:Periodical Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 15226-15250 of 15388
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-12 地理標示與商標的利益衝突與協調—評析現行商標法第30條第1項第8款相關司法實務發展 CHUNG-LUN SHENCHUNG-LUN SHEN article pdf(946)
2013-04 「虛構」的文化霸權抗衡──馬來西亞《星洲日報》的「道德-文化」行銷策略批判(1988-2010) 莊迪澎、Chang, Teck-Peng article pdf(165)
2015-01 Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation (Paclic), November 22-24, 2013 Wang, Shih-Ping、SIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(506)
2013-02 再論中央政府體制之改革展望——法國○八修憲之啟發 陳淳文、Chen, Chwen-Wen article pdf(400)
2017 Production of mental state terms in narratives of Mandarin-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder WEN-HUI SAH、Torng, Pao-chuan、WEN-HUI SAH、童寶娟 article web page(759)
2016-06 Christianity and the Formation of Modern Sense of Wenxue in Late Imperial China 李奭學 article web page(344)
2017-09 聯合國糧食議題安全化內容與中國糧食安全治理機制 YI-CHUN LINYI-CHUN LIN article pdf(420)
2015-09 К вопросу о «языке спорта» как особом типе подъязыка в современной коммуникации ALEKSANDR SAVCHENKO、САВЧЕНКО, А. В. article
2015-09 The Chinese Element in the Culture of Judicial Officials in Taiwan: Tracing the Legacy from the Qing and Republican Era of China 王泰升、Wang, Tay-Sheng article pdf(271)
2012-09 台灣經濟成長率預測在景氣循環中的不對稱行為偏誤現象 謝子雄、SHIH-HSUN HSU、Xie,Zi-Xiong 、SHIH-HSUN HSU article pdf(911)
2015-06 新興環境議題的媒體建構:以替代能源的新聞報導為例 MEI-LING HSU article pdf(664)
2011-04 非法人團體之當事人能力、當事人適格及其判決效力範圍——交錯於實體法與程序法之問題 沈冠伶、Shen, Kuan-Ling article pdf(11285)
2011-12 Cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of applying intelligent osteoporosis health risk assessment system in community-dwelling women: a novel evidence-based study CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN article pdf(803)
2014-07 Nominal Structure in "Li^4 Zhi^1 Ji^4" 荔枝記(Wanli萬曆Edition) 邱力璟、連金發、Chiu, Liching Livy、Lien, Chinfa article pdf(549)
2010-09 21世紀南韓與東協經貿關係 TO-HAI LIOUTO-HAI LIOU article pdf(224)
2012-06 2012年台湾総統選分析 2012年台灣總統大選分析 張傳賢;湯晏甄 article pdf(377)
2016-06 葉燮、沈德潛詩論實效之檢討 吳佩熏 article pdf(272)
2015 地方外部性模式之分析 HSIN-PING CHEN article pdf(455)
2015-06 翻譯的公共:愛滋,同志,酷兒 TA-WEI CHITA-WEI CHI article pdf(642)
2013-12 “Assembling Scholars in the Face of the Enemy:The Prequel to the Institute of International Relations, 1937-1975” (敵前養士:「國際關係研究中心」前傳,1937-1975) HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(544)
2018-12 Anxiety, happiness and self-esteem of western Chinese left-behind children RONG-XUAN CHU、Dai, Qian、Chu, Rong-Xuan article web page(166)
2015-01 Customer`s perceived value of waiting time for service events Lin, Y.-T.、Xia, K.-N.、LIEN-TI BEILIEN-TI BEI article pdf(998)
2018-07 持用公務加油卡支付私車油費的刑事責任──評最高法院100年度台上字第1060號刑事判決 HENG-DA HSUHENG-DA HSU article web page(393)
2016-06 漢語方位短語中的概念及介詞共現模式研究 趙逢毅、SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(660)
2018-06 中共吉布地軍事基地的戰略意涵與影響 謝志淵 article pdf(185)