All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Research Reports、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 28
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012.05 建置「人文社會科學相關領域中綱計畫成果資訊網」教育部委託研究成果報告 CHIAO-MIN LIN report pdf(783)
2016-11 圖書定價銷售制度對出版產業影響評估研究 JEONG-YEOU CHIU、林俊宏 report pdf(1931)
2016-11 緒論:圖書定價銷售制度釋義與台灣出版環境分析 JEONG-YEOU CHIU、陳俊偉 report pdf(2580)
2016-11 國際圖書定價銷售制度縱覽 JEONG-YEOU CHIU、劉容娟 report pdf(562)
2016-11 圖書定價銷售制度爭議及其發展思考:以瑞士、法國的轉變 JEONG-YEOU CHIU report pdf(569)
2016-11 圖書定價銷售制度的標竿:英國與德國 JEONG-YEOU CHIU report pdf(1426)
2016-11 以色列Book Law興衰與爭議 JEONG-YEOU CHIU report pdf(548)
2016-11 圖書定價銷售制度在西語系國家的發展:西班牙、阿根廷、墨西哥 劉容娟、JEONG-YEOU CHIU report pdf(465)
2016-11 圖書定價銷售制度配套措施 JEONG-YEOU CHIU report pdf(377)
2018-12 圖書館建置身心障礙讀者服務主題資源網站之研究 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN report pdf(353)
2018-12 國家圖書館通用型古籍數位人文研究平台全文轉置及系統維護案 CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN report pdf(303)
2016-12 圖書館身心障礙讀者服務指南研究 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN report pdf(434)
2017-12 圖書館身心障礙讀者服務之館員專業知能及培訓制度探討 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN report pdf(295)
2017-07 大學以社教機構為基地之數位人文計畫:國家圖書館古籍數位人文平臺建置計畫 蔡明月MING-YUEH TSAYCHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN report
2017-07 身心障礙者使用圖書館網站資源之可及性研究 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN report
2018-04 太伯奔吳傳說的記憶研究──《上博七‧命》「周之孽子」帶來的啟發 YU-AN KU、YU-AN KU other
2018-03 圖像、概念與跨文化流動:晚清《點石齋畫報》的域外書寫 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report
2018-08 Lyricism, the Polite and the Popular, Consumption: an Investigation on the Artistic Expression of Tang Yin’S Literary Works/Paintings and the History of Reception WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(436)
2016-07 Changes in Life and Society, Literary Minds, Portrays and Calligraphic Styles: The Value Reverse and Culture Renaissance WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(427)
2017-07 Changes in Life and Society, Literary Minds, Portrays and Calligraphic Styles: The Value Reverse and Culture Renaissance WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(379)
2018-07 Changes in Life and Society, Literary Minds, Portrays and Calligraphic Styles: The Value Reverse and Culture Renaissance WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report web page(419)
2018-05 The Tradition of East Asian Culture and its Modern Transformation, IEP of NCCU, HESP of MOE WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG、GUAN-TAO JIN、GUAN-TAO JIN report web page(449)
2018-12 文化部文化資產局「傳統金紙及香製作無形文化資產潛力調查計畫」 林敬智Lin, Ching-chih、CHEN-YUAN LIN report
2018-07 Consciousness of Evil: a Phenomenological Reflection on a Philosophical Study History of Genesis of Evil LEE-CHUN LOLEE-CHUN LO 研究報告 pdf(206)
2017-12 中國近現代思想及文學史專業數據庫(1830-1930) 政治大學邁向頂尖計畫 WEN-HUEI CHENGWEN-HUEI CHENG report pdf(211)