
Showing 251-275 of 2036
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2006 On the random functional of the Ferguson-Dirichlet process Thomas J. Jiang姜志銘、Kun-Lin Kuo report
2006 基礎科學前瞻性人才培育計畫-跨領域教學聯盟 姜志銘 report
2005 基礎科學前瞻性人才培育計畫-跨領域教學聯盟 姜志銘 report
2004 基礎科學教育改進計畫-跨領域教學聯盟(財務教學-在政大發展的現況 姜志銘 report
2003 基礎科學教育改進計畫-跨領域教學聯盟(A類計畫-數學金融與經濟) 姜志銘 report
2007 指定科目數學考科非選擇題試題研發計劃 (95) 陳天進、賴恆隆、劉明郎、洪有情、黃漢水 report
2000 教育部大學[基礎科學教學]改進計劃--實驗網站,[作業研究]實驗教材 陸行 report
2002 A Simplified Stopping Rule for Identifying the Forecast Horizon of A Nonhomogeneous MDP. 陸行、Chen-Chang Liou、Hsing Paul Luh report
2009 願景2025:打造台灣產業未來力整合型計畫 吳思華、杜紫宸、詹文男于乃明張寶芳陸行周麗芳陳小紅樓永堅鍾蔚文、王美雅、吳仁麟、邱亞康、柯瓊芳、陳意 report
2001 基礎科學-教學諮詢中心 陸行 report
2003 影響青少年木球運動表現因素的研究 宋傳欽姜志銘、郭錕霖 report
2007 Effects of Novel NMDA Antagonists on Drug-Induced Seizures and Lethality in Mice Ko MC、柯美全 report
2008 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (II) Ko MC、柯美全、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2008 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (I) Ko MC、柯美全 report
2008 Behavioral Effects of NOP Receptor Agonists in Monkeys Ko MC、柯美全、Woods JH report
2008 Evaluation in Primates of Cocaine Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Toxicity (I) Ko MC、柯美全、Collins GT report
2009 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (III), 柯美全、Ko MC、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2009 Evaluation of HuMNAC13 Analgesic Effect in a Rhesus Model of Inflammatory Pain Ko MC、柯美全 report
2009 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (II) Ko MC、柯美全 report
2009 Evaluation in Primates of Cocaine Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Toxicity (II) Ko MC、柯美全 report
2001 The Evaluation and Development of Embedded Online Intrusion Detection Prototype Systems (EOIDS) 胡毓忠劉昭麟 report
2003 預算法全IP核心網路服務品質管理之分散式資源管理與允入控制 連耀南、Ming-Chi Chen report
2003 預算法全IP核心網路服務品質管理之路徑規劃 連耀南、李宗勳 report
2003 預算法全IP核心網路品質管理中可彌補預測誤差的資源配置方法 連耀南、陳逸民 report
2003 全IP網路中以預算為基礎之端對端服務品質管理 連耀南、陳建同 report