All Of Publications(Limit:Research Reports、2000-2009)

Showing 201-225 of 2036
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 國立政治大學學生競爭力自我效能感之研究 HUI-LAN HSIU report
2009 北1區大專校院學生輔導工作協調諮詢中心工作計畫 HUI-LAN HSIU report
2009 本校學生心理健康篩檢量表之編制 HUI-LAN HSIU report
2003 中學階段未婚懷孕青少女之學校因應措施之研究 李德芬、MEI-JEN LINCHIA-FENG CHEN、周才忠、YING-JU CHEN report
2004 台灣社區心理衛生中心績效評核模式之建立---以賦權評估理論為基礎 許耕榮、CHIA-FENG CHEN、王榮春、韓明榮、林柏煌 report pdf(1866)
2006 國立政治大學專任院輔導老師工作內涵需求與評估研究 HUI-LAN HSIUCHIA-FENG CHEN report web page(461)
2007 國立政治大學大學部學生對校園內學習環境的認知與期待 CHIA-FENG CHEN report web page(500)
2007 國立政治大學學生事務處衛生保健組醫療門診業務之改造計畫:學生、教職員工與社區民眾的就醫經驗與醫療需求之調查 CHIA-FENG CHEN report web page(512)
2009 以民眾需求為基礎的全國25縣市政府心理衛生行政工作之規劃(I) CHIA-FENG CHEN、林家興、SU-FENG CHENGPING-DER HUANG、曾春美、唐子俊 report pdf(1133)
2007 Behavioral Assays in Monkeys - Narcotic Drug and Opioid Peptide Basic Research (IV) Ko MC(柯美全)、Woods JH report
2008 Behavioral Effects of NOP Receptor Agonists in Monkeys Ko MC(柯美全)、Woods JH report
2007 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (I) Ko MC(柯美全)、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2008 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (II) Ko MC(柯美全)、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2009 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (III), Ko MC(柯美全)、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2007 Effects of MrgX1 and MrgX2 Agonists on Nociception Ko MC(柯美全)、Woods JH report
2007 Effects of Novel NMDA Antagonists on Drug-Induced Seizures and Lethality in Mice Ko MC(柯美全) report
2008 Evaluation in Primates of Cocaine Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Toxicity (I) Ko MC(柯美全)、Collins GT report
2009 Evaluation of HuMNAC13 Analgesic Effect in a Rhesus Model of Inflammatory Pain Ko MC(柯美全) report
2007 Evaluation of the Behavioral Effects of Systemic Administration of a Compound Developed by Ingenium in Rhesus Monkeys Ko MC(柯美全) report
2008 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (I) Ko MC(柯美全) report
2009 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (II) Ko MC(柯美全) report
2007 Studies of Combined Mu/ORL Molecules in Monkeys Ko MC(柯美全) report
2006 榮民創業行為、創業績效及相關影響因素之研究 洪英正、YU-FEN CHIEN report
2007 台北捷運公司員工滿意度調查研究報告 洪英正、YU-FEN CHIEN report
2008 Working Memory and Knowledge Partitioning in Categorization LEE-XIENG YANGLEE-XIENG YANG report