All Of Publications(Limit:Research Reports)

Showing 3501-3515 of 3515
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-12 黨營事業在民生獨占事業之角色:以瓦斯產業為例 WEI-CHEN LEEHUA-YUAN HSUEH、黃紹恆、張怡敏 report web page(115)
2018-09 雷震與1950年代台灣政治發展—轉型正義的視角 HUA-YUAN HSUEH report web page(105)
2015-11 日治時期北部臺灣客家地區產業發展研究 WEI-CHEN LEE report web page(111)
2024-05 數位文化資源服務與教學推廣計畫 WEI-WEI HUANG report web page(111)
2024-02 2024社區好厝邊走讀行動計畫 WEI-WEI HUANG report
2024-05 AI世代美感素養研究計畫 WEI-WEI HUANG report
2009-09 Reproductive contributions of foreign wives in Taiwan: similarities and differences among major source countries JI-PING LIN report web page(102)
2024-07 111至112學年度國民中小學學習扶助學習數據分析計畫 MIN-NING YU report
2019-06 Assessment quality in higher education: Thesis grading, assessment for learning/formative assessment MEI-SHIU CHIU report
2023-11 紐西蘭土地法庭職掌及土地信託運作機制調查 CHIN-WEN WU report
2023-12 Implications of ‘Integrated Deterrence’ in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy for Taiwan’s Security CHYUNG LY LEE report
2020-06 Predicting students choosing to study STEM: Dialogues between educational and data sciences MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU report web page(46)
2022-12 上市櫃公司之實質受益人資訊揭露之研究 TE-FANG CHU report
2022-03 證券詐欺案件損害賠償計算方式之研議 TE-FANG CHU、洪秀芬、蔡英欣 report pdf(32)
2024-07 「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查 (2024-07-26~2024-07-30) SU-FENG CHENG report web page(13)