All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2000-2009)

Showing 1351-1375 of 2632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002-07 Mixture of Love and Hate : the social discourses on Korean dramas in Taiwan YU-FEN KO conference
2001-11 愛在科技蔓延時:電視劇人間四月天的真愛風潮與期中隱含的文化政治 YU-FEN KO conference
2008-12 「中國情懷」與現代性:電視機與1960年代後期的台灣消費文化 YU-FEN KO conference
2007-04 TV and Cold War: The social production of television YU-FEN KO conference
2008-07 社區傳播、媒介素養與賦權—以台灣中部社區報《員林鄉親報》為例/中華傳播學會2008年會 MINE-PING SUN conference pdf(740)
2006-11 在地發聲-台灣參與式社區媒介的崛起 MINE-PING SUN conference
2005-07 參與式社區媒介的在地實踐:以台灣中部社區報為例 MINE-PING SUN conference
2004-01 兩份蘋果報,還是另一份「新報紙」─台灣主流報業的再定位 MINE-PING SUN conference
2003-11 全球化SARS風暴下,國際媒體風險呈現之初探 MINE-PING SUN conference
2002-05 社區媒介與公眾服務之探討—以南投縣埔里鎮《水沙連》雜誌為例 MINE-PING SUN conference
2001-01 參與者?中立者?社區媒介與社區關係之探討—以南投縣埔里鎮社區報《希望.埔里》為例 MINE-PING SUN conference
2007-12 數位典藏的傳佈播劃─以資訊取用為初始 SE-WEN SUN conference
2008-12 Food risk and crisis communication in Taiwan: Cases of dioxin contamination MEI-LING HSU conference
2008-12 是減害還是加害?愛滋新聞論述中的毒癮者框架 MEI-LING HSU conference
2008-11 Risk communication strategies in the dioxin crises in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU conference
2008-09 疾病的生物醫學真實Vs.社會/文化真實:以憂鬱症的新聞再現為例 MEI-LING HSU conference
2008-09 食品受戴奧辛污染事件的新聞建構 MEI-LING HSU conference
2008-07 Evaluating the news coverage of dioxin-related risks in Taiwan: Quality and barriers MEI-LING HSU conference
2008-07 Establishing an evaluative scheme for public health campaigns: A case of women and HIV/AIDS in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU conference
2007-06 Lay discourse of body, health, and medical use in a coexistent culture of Chinese and Western medicine: A challenge to the elitist-based medical correctness in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU conference
2006-11 Mediated discourse of traditional Chinese and folk medicine during the 2003 SARS crisis in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU conference
2006-06 What matters and changes in condom use? Public perceptions and practices before and after the 2004 HIV/AIDS campaign in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling conference pdf(931)
2005-11 Positioning between Western and Chinese medical beliefs as mediated by risk perception in Taiwan: A discourse analysis of the 2003 legitimacy controversy of herbs containing aristolochic acid MEI-LING HSU conference
2005-07 Gender differences in perceiving condom use and its barriers in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU conference
2005-07 News framing and public attitudes towards PLWHAs: A cross-cultural comparison between Taiwan and Hong Kong MEI-LING HSU conference