All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2000-2009)

Showing 1501-1525 of 2632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-07 客家電視頻道文化行銷模式探討 WEI-WEI HUANG conference pdf(1132)
2005-07 the role of internet in undertainty reduction and adaptation: taking Chinese immigrants in Austin , Texas as an example WEI-WEI HUANG conference
2008-11 Self Images and Social Interaction among the Taiwan’s Elderly People in the Age of Computer Science- YEAN TSAI conference
2008-07 新聞與想像:從解構老人新聞到再省新聞敘事 YEAN TSAI conference pdf(936)
2008-07 老人新聞報導與時間敘事 ── 以「窗口」概念為例 YEAN TSAI conference pdf(685)
2007 新聞(大眾傳播)敘事研究之理論建構潛力 YEAN TSAI conference
2007 熟年世代傳播媒介與老人自我形象及社會角色建構的關係 ── 以新聞報導之老人象徵系統與老人參與社會組織為例 YEAN TSAI conference
2007 新聞訪問:理論回顧與未來研究提案 YEAN TSAI conference
2007 情感與記憶在老人接收新聞訊息的角色 YEAN TSAI conference
2005 創意與時間概念 YEAN TSAI conference
2003-09 電視劇好看嗎?—從感覺到評鑑的路程 YEAN TSAI conference pdf(679)
2003-09 新聞敘事與時間報導—以老人新聞為例之理論提議 YEAN TSAI conference
2002 電視劇與老人研究:傳播研究之另一取向 YEAN TSAI conference
2000-06 報紙新聞之敘事結構及論述方法 – 以美學對新聞研究與實務的啟示為例 YEAN TSAI conference
2007 從媒體素養到媒體教育與實踐-台灣經濟 吳翠珍 conference
2003 Design and Development of an Operation and Service Platform for Digital Content FEI-I LU conference
2008-12 一個文化傳播逆流的可能:試探台灣霹靂布袋戲耽美迷的文類自創與傳布 RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2008-10 電影《孽子》的意義 RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2008-06 Being in the Emptiness: on the Visual Phantasmagoria in Tsai Ming Liang`s Taipei RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2008-06 從台灣電影觀看巴贊寫實主義理論 RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2007-06 從《三鳳震武林》探索台語武俠片類型化研究 RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2007-05 台灣新媒體教育的多樣性和跨平台:現實和期待 RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2006 憤怒的兒子:解讀李安電影中的父子關係 RU-SHOU CHEN conference
2008-06 What Chinese bloggers blog - examining the top 100 weblogs in China CHIUNG-WEN HSU conference
2008 Deontology or teleology? An ethical analysis of first-person-account journalists` moral reasoning of victim coverage CHIUNG-WEN HSU conference