All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、2000-2009)

Showing 2201-2225 of 2632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-08 The Festive Machine: Taiwan`s 2004 election as popular culture YU-FEN KO、Ko, Yu-Fen book/chapter web page(1077)
2001 流行文化中認同政治的產製:以凱蒂貓為例 YU-FEN KO、Ko, Yu-Fen book/chapter web page(900)
2004 網際網路在災難事件中的傳播功能:理論與實務的辯證 SE-WEN SUN、Sun, Se-Wen book/chapter web page(931)
2005 第十一章 網路新聞概論 PAO-FANG CHANGPAO-FANG CHANG book/chapter web page(1009)
2005-05 傳播在職專班教學經驗與反思 PAI-LIN CHENPAI-LIN CHEN book/chapter web page(989)pdf(620)
2006-08 認識傳播新科技 PAI-LIN CHENPAI-LIN CHEN book/chapter web page(968)
2007-12 政治學與人類學的整合研究 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG、Fong, Shiaw-Chian book/chapter web page(981)
2001 Corporatization or Privatization?Exploration of the Consequences of the Property Rights Reform in Chinese Rural Enterprises SHIAW-CHIAN FONG、Fong, Shiaw-Chian book/chapter web page(1304)
2003-01 兩岸關係中的族群意識 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG、Fong, Shiaw-Chian book/chapter web page(1046)
2003-06 全球化衝擊下大陸台商的認同問題 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG、Fong, Shiaw-Chian book/chapter web page(961)
2003-12 關係, 制度與中國政企研究 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG、Fong, Shiaw-Chian book/chapter web page(842)
2004-05 本土學術史的「新聞」概念流變 YUAN-HUEI LIN、Lin, Yuan-Huei book/chapter web page(929)
2002 Grouping, simile, and oxymoron in pictures: A design-based cognitive approach Teng, Norman Y、SE-WEN SUN、Teng, Norman Y、Sun, Se-Wen article pdf(1100)
2005-10 寫眾之興起及其意涵 HSIAOMEI WU、Wu, Hsiao-Mei article web page(948)
2002 網際網路在災難事件中的傳播功能:理論與實務的辯證 SE-WEN SUN、Sun, Se-Wen article pdf(674)
2002 User Behavior and the “Globalness” of Internet: From a Taiwan Users` Perspective 劉駿州、戴皖文、SE-WEN SUNGEORGETTE WANG、Liu, Chun-Chou、Day, Wan-Wen、Sun, Se-Wen、GEORGETTE WANG article web page(1587)
2001 學術資源的共享與數位化:〔傳播資料庫〕簡介 CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(698)
2003 「西方宰制、媒體中心」的運動全球化 CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(838)
2004 Making identical audience commodities across countries by global sports: NBA and global advertising in Taiwan and the US CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article web page(1464)
2004 線上全球公共領域?網路的潛能、實踐與限制 洪貞玲、CHANG-DE LIU、Hung, Chen-Ling、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(776)
2004 科技與文化工作者:網路與相關數位科技對台灣漫畫家勞動過程的影響 CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(814)
2005-07 電視運動轉播市場之分析:台、美、英三國職業運動轉播權利金的發展 CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(824)
2007-01 民主參與式的共管自律-新聞自律機制之回顧與再思考 CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(734)
2006-01 台灣商營電視節目內容管制的演變:結構去管制下的「內容再管制」 CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(844)
2006 De-skilling Effects on Journalists: ICTs and the Labour Process of Taiwanese Newspaper Reporters. CHANG-DE LIU、Liu, Chang-De article pdf(1007)