1999-05 |
女性候選人在選舉中的優劣勢─以八十六年台北縣縣長候選人周荃為例 |
張卿卿 |
article |
pdf(508) |
2002-05 |
競選媒體使用對選民競選議題知識與政治效能感的影響-以兩千年台灣總統大選為例 |
張卿卿、Chang, Chingching |
article |
pdf(1127) |
2002-11 |
大學生的媒介認知,媒介行為與其政治效能與政治參與之間的關係 |
張卿卿、Chang, Chingching |
article |
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2007-04 |
初探隱喻廣告中隱喻與表現形式的效果 |
吳岳剛、侯純純 |
article |
2005-06 |
符號、敘事結構與公共關係中的「說服」:以九一一事件布希演講稿為例 |
孫秀蕙 |
article |
1995-05 |
台灣「廣告品質」之問題試析 |
祝鳳岡 |
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2000-11 |
評[周大慶]《攝影飛羽間--野鳥生態攝影的技法與欣賞》 |
游本寬 |
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1999 |
The impact of perceived channel utilitise shopping orientations and demographics on the consumer`s online buying behavior |
郭貞、李海容、Martha Russel |
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2001-07 |
2000年總統大選候選人網站分析 |
鄭自隆、刑縱任、馬方哲、戴文玲 |
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2004-03 |
臺灣競選傳播應用數位化媒介之回顧 |
鄭自隆 |
article |
2003 |
How mood and ad-self-congruency affect the relative influence of hedonic ad appeals and utilitarian ad appeals on brand evaluations |
Chang, Chingching、張卿卿 |
article |
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2003 |
Relative judgments in competitive contexts |
Chang, Chingching、張卿卿 |
article |
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2004 |
How individual develop brand evaluations in different contexts-The relative impacts of affect self-relevant thoughts and product attribute thoughts |
Chang, Chingching、張卿卿 |
article |
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2004 |
Ad and brand evaluation in a competitive processing context-The effects of number of attributes and repetition strategies |
Chang, Chingching、張卿卿 |
article |
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2006 |
Enhancing self-consciousness: Implicatoins for the effectiveness of ad appeals |
Chang, Chingching、張卿卿 |
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1991-12 |
On Enhancing the Persuasiveness of Low Credibility Sources: The Use of a Partial Incongruity Strategy |
郭貞 |
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2000 |
The effect of personality differences on product evaluations |
張卿卿 |
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1992-09 |
從心所欲而不踰矩? 談廣告道德與社會責任的關係 |
陳文玲 |
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2002 |
The Internet as a Public Relations Medium: An Exploratory Study of PR Professionals in Taiwan |
孫秀蕙、劉端裕、郭書祺 |
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1993-06 |
關於「沈默螺旋」的一場筆戰--淺談意識型態與理論建構的關係 |
孫秀蕙 |
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2002 |
Communication strategy in Taiwan`s and U. S. corporate web pages: A cross-cultural comparison |
張卿卿、Tsao J.、Chang C. |
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1994-01 |
認同形成、家庭溝通型態以及青少年媒介使用:一個整合模式 |
郭貞 |
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2007-01 |
The interplay of candidate-initiated and journalist-initiated agendas in the 1996 and 2004 Taiwan presidential election |
張卿卿 |
article |
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1994-07 |
民意理論中的「死硬派」之研究-以「興建核四廠」議題為例 |
孫秀蕙 |
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1999 |
Consumer Styles and Media Uses of the Generation Xers in Taiwan |
Kuo, Cheng、郭貞 |
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