
Showing 1476-1500 of 8586
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
1998-07 Three Hebei Townships under State-Endorsed Rural Reform Pilot Project 方孝謙 article pdf(1132)
1999-06 The Shareholding system in a Shandong Township:Practice and Impact 方孝謙 article pdf(1147)
2000-01 Front Pages of Taiwan Daily Newspapers 1952-1996: How ending martial law influenced publication design 羅文輝、Anna R. Paddon、吳筱玫 article pdf(2281)
1998-07 Television Coverage of the 1995 Legislative election in Taiwan 羅文輝、Neilan E.、Pu-tsung King、金溥聰 article pdf(1716)
2002 The propaganda model: A test of human rights reporting in the New York Times Thomas Jacobson、方念萱、William Raffel article
2003-12 Chinese Ethics in Communication Collaboration and Digitalization in the Digital Age 謝瀛春、Hsieh, Ying-chun article pdf(1356)
2001-06 Pedagogy under construction: Learning to teach collaboratively 陳百齡、Chung, Deborah S.、Crane, Amanda、Hlavach, Laura article
1997-03 Individual, Organizational, and Societal Influences on Media Role Perceptions: A Comparative Study of Journalists in China, Taiwan, and the United States Zhu, Jian-hua、David Weaver、羅文輝、Chongchan Chen、Wei Wu article pdf(1406)
1988 Geographic Emphases of International News Studies, 1970-1986 臧國仁蔡琰 、Scott Liu article
1992 Media Use, Involvement, and Knowledge of the Gulf War Lo, Ven-hwei、羅文輝 article
1978-03 臺灣地區大眾傳播過程與民眾反應之研究 徐佳士、楊孝榮、潘家慶 article pdf(725)pdf(620)
2007 The third-person effects of political attack ads in the 2004 U S presidential election 羅文輝、魏然 article pdf(2534)
2006 Staying connected while on the move: Cell phone use and social connectedness 羅文輝、魏然 article pdf(10905)
2001-11 Sexual Strategies Theory gender exposure and support for restriction of pornography on the Internet 羅文輝 article
2002-12 臺灣媒體八十年1921-2002 馮建三 article pdf(841)
1978-01 An Analysis of the Content and Strategy of Family Planning Radio Programs in Taiwan, 1969-1973 陳世敏 article
1982-09 大眾媒介與多元社會性格 陳世敏 article
1975-04 大眾媒介不可做牧羊孩子 徐佳士 article
1975-04 臺灣地區民眾家庭計劃傳播模式:通道、訴求與反應 徐佳士 article
1978-05 改進臺灣地區大眾傳播之國家發展功能的研究 徐佳士、潘家慶、趙嬰 article pdf(717)
1975-12 理想的大學教育 徐佳士 article
1976-10 消息傳播過程與反應在臺灣 徐佳士 article
1977-12 傳播與發展理論的探討 徐佳士 article
2006-05 日本社區報紙 陳世敏 article pdf(916)
1977-12 從方法學分析傳播效果研究 陳世敏 article