All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 2551-2575 of 8591
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-06 How Context-Evoked Affect Influences Responses to High- and Low-Involving Products CHING-CHING CHANG conference
1998 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication CHING-CHING CHANG conference
2006 Chronological Age vs. Cognitive Age For young consumers: Implications for Advertising Persuasion CHING-CHING CHANG conference
2012-04 The effectiveness of advertising that leverages sponsorship and cause-related marketing: A contingency model CHING-CHING CHANGCHING-CHING CHANG article web page(1710)
2013.02 Seeing Is Believing: The Direct and Contingent Influence of Pictures in Health Promotion Advertising CHING-CHING CHANG article pdf(1100)
2000 A Niche Analysis of the Web Catalogs and Retail Stores: A Case in Taiwan CHENG KUO conference
2002 贈獎誘因、品牌差異、個人感官刺激需求對網路廣告效果的影響:一個線上實驗 CHENG KUOCHING-CHING CHANG conference
2003-09 如果被唬弄了你會怎樣:探討唬弄式網路廣告之效果 CHENG KUO conference
2008-10 電視購物節目內容與銷售策略研究:兩岸都會區之比較 CHENG KUO conference
2007-10 台灣地區電視購物節目內容分析與消費者反映之初探 CHENG KUO conference
2006-10 海峽兩岸都會區戶外廣告中價值觀與廣告訴求之比較研究 CHENG KUO conference
2006-07 A Comparison of the Values and Appeals in Outdoor Advertisement in Taiwan and China CHENG KUO conference
2005-09 全球品牌與本土品牌商品廣告中之文化價值比較 CHENG KUO conference
1999 1999 Internet User’s Selection of the Web, Catalogs and Retail Stores for Product Information: A Causal Modeling Approach CHENG KUO conference
1999 Demographic Differences in Perceived Channel Characteristics: A Comparison of the Web, Catalogs, and Retail Stores CHENG KUO conference
1999 市場意見領袖特質與個人購物傾向對消費者選擇資訊與購買管道之影響—比較網際網路、型錄、與零售商店 CHENG KUO conference
1999 大眾傳媒、人際溝通對形成台灣地區中學生政治態度傾向之影響—一個學理整合模式 CHENG KUO、陳文俊、CHENG KUO、Chen, Wen-chun conference pdf(964)
1998 User’s evaluation of homepage as a function of two design factors: An online field experiment CHENG KUO conference
1997 網路素養與性別對網業廣告效果之影響 CHENG KUO conference
1997 台灣地區民眾之個人差異、社會階層、與傳媒使用對其消費行為傾向之影響 CHENG KUO conference
1997 Media exposure and the learning of green consumer style and rational consumer orientations among the Taiwanese consumers: A causal structural model CHENG KUO conference
1995 社會學習、家庭溝通、認同形成狀況對臺灣地區大專學生政治態度形成之影響:一個整合模式 CHENG KUO conference
1995 中國大陸都會區青少年消費行為初探 CHENG KUO conference
1995 臺灣地區民眾報紙閱讀行為過去與現況之研究─ 1985年-1993年 CHENG KUO conference
2005 自我與創造力-2004年夏天Haven田野工作筆記 WEN-LING CHEN conference