All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 7501-7525 of 8719
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013.04 電訊傳播經營管理導論 YU-LI LIUYU-LI LIU book/chapter web page(1389)
2013 Better or worse? A perspective of human interest and news 陳家倫、Chen, Chia Lun thesis pdf(435)pdf(879)pdf(587)
2021 碩士班-國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS)110年 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) exam pdf(128)
2006-06 Crisis situations, communication strategies, and media coverage: A multicase study revisiting the communicative response model Huang, Yi-Hui、黃懿慧 article pdf(727)
2017-06 Exploring Consumers` Trust Difference between Shopping on Website and Mobile App Service Process Chang, Tsai Ping、PEI-JUNG CHENG、Pei-JungCheng 會議論文
2003 消費者洞察(Consumer Insight)在廣告策略上之應用研究---以多芬為例 詹昀靜 thesis web page(525)
2001-12 攝影現代化中的「純粹性」審視--以美國「形式主義攝影」到「表現主義攝影」為例 BEN-KUAN YU article
1985-08 電傳視訊:邁向資訊社會的起步 鄭瑞城 article
2019-01 Comparing the patterns of sharing on social media between “true news” and “fake news”: a case study of local elections and referenda in Taiwan YU-CHUNG CHENG、Liu, H.W. conference web page(358)
2004 台美汽車雜誌廣告品牌個性文化構面、廣告表現之差異比較研究 施哲仁 thesis web page(482)
2004-12 逃逸Saussure語言系統之外:能指與所指的結合、瓦解與再結合 YU-CHUNG CHENG、Cheng, Yu-Chung article pdf(1024)
1976 家庭價值取向之變遷:傳統與現代-電視連續劇的分析研究 郭江東、Guo, Jiang-Dong thesis web page(399)
2012.12 獨自療傷的記者?從社會支持取徑檢視記者創傷壓力的調適 CHIUNG-WEN HSU、Wang, Ching-Chan 、 Hsu, Julia Chiung-Wen article pdf(792)
2023 Creation of a Movable Projection Installation "A Traced Ray" 黃建榮、Huang, Chien-Jung thesis pdf(206)
2007-06 Elevation Machines: Television Sets and \"National\" Culture in 1960s Taiwan YU-FEN KO conference
2009 Representing Female Image during the Period of Japanese Occupation: An Analysis of “Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao”s Advertisements 陳燕蓉、Chen, Yen-Jung, thesis web page(624)
2005-07 從史學法度論臺灣電視史之撰寫--以「臺灣電視四十年回顧與前瞻」研討會六篇主題論文為例 YUAN-HUEI LIN article pdf(1073)
2006-06 書評《問題媒體》:媒體問題一大堆,解方則見仁見智 BONNIE PENG article pdf(2044)
2018-10 「國美館 No.1」:虛擬實境藝術作品 YA-LUN TAO multimedia web page(151)web page(160)
1979-06 英國的醫療衛生工作 黎劍瑩 article pdf(965)
2015 Professional intervention and organizational incorporation: examining journalistic use of microblogs in two Chinese newsrooms TSUI-CHUAN LIN、Cui, D.、Lin, T. T. C. article pdf(526)
2024-12 114-116數位韌性X美感素養社區關懷行動計畫 WEI-WEI HUANG report
2024 Improving Observability in Web of Things Interactions: A Visual Analytics Approach 呂亭儀、Lu, Ting-I thesis pdf(1)
2015 Frame analysis of Taiwan`s energy news. Take Global Views and United Daily News`s depth reports as examples. 趙于萱、Chao, Yu Hsuan thesis pdf(1193)
2018-05 Predictors and outcomes of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones for work purposes (Mobile Communication Top Paper) TSUI-CHUAN LIN、Lin, T, T. C.、Bautista, J.R.、Rosenthal, S. B.、Lin, T, T. C. (林翠絹)、Theng, Y. L. conference