All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication)

Showing 901-925 of 8452
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011 Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Aids Efficient Digital Learning Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Wei-Kuang 、 Hsu, Jui-I conference
2010-07 Internet Pornography and Teen Sexual Attitudes and Behavior 吳筱玫 article pdf(1780)
2006-06 「傳播學門學術研習營」規劃案 翁秀琪、鍾蔚文 article
2005-11 創意是嚴肅的遊戲 鍾蔚文 article
2006-05 科技.創新與管理:玩物時代來了! 鍾蔚文 article
2009-01 網路色情對青少年的涵化效果 羅文輝、林奐名、吳筱玫 article
2001-02 三台員工齊心協力,公視集團指日可待 馮建三 conference
2009 導讀:示威就是傳播 魏玓、馮建三 book/chapter pdf(883)
1999 台灣媒體工作者階級意識之初探(1988-1997) 馮建三 conference
2005-08 Online Interactivity on Multiple Website Genres from the 2004 Legislative Elections 王泰俐 conference
2004-06 當新聞價值遇上新興傳染疾病:新聞記者的SARS報導經驗 徐美苓 conference
1997 從選舉制度與電視制度看電視競選廣告之規範 蘇蘅、金溥聰、須文蔚、朱靜女、黃昭蓉 conference pdf(2768)
2010-10 部落格與競選傳播:以 2008 年台灣總統大選候選人為例 蘇蘅張寶芳 article 說明頁(0)
2006-07 The Youth as informed citizen: Their news interest media taste and the impact on political interest 蘇蘅 conference
2011 A PAN Framework to Stimulate Creativity For Narrative Chang, Yun-Tai 、Chen, Sheng-Chih 、Li, Tsai-Yen conference
2005-07 擬像時代「電視新聞教育的荒謬與困境」 王泰俐 conference
2005-07 網路報之概念流變(1995-2005) 吳筱玫 conference
2007-06 Elevation Machines: Television Sets and \"National\" Culture in 1960s Taiwan 柯裕棻 conference
2008 新聞中最浪漫的事 方念萱 article
2008 Reporting an Emerging Epidemic in Taiwan: Journalists` Experiences of SARS Coverage 徐美苓 conference 說明頁(1461)
2005-07 網路報之概念流變(1995-2005) 吳筱玫 conference
2004-07 認識新聞 林元輝 conference
2007-06 Elevation Machines: Television Sets and \"National\" Culture in 1960s Taiwan 柯裕棻 conference
1999-08 Front Pages of Taiwan Daily Newspapers 1952-1996 Ven-hui Lo、吳筱玫、Anna Paddon conference
2003 Expectancy-values and Perceived Attributes of Internet Shopping As Determinants of Online Shopping and Non-shopping Behaviors 魏然、羅文輝 conference