All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、1980-1989)

Showing 1-25 of 2037
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1988 The Buy-and-Hold Implimentation Bias in the Trading Rule Test JIMMY D . CHEN conference
1988 Trading Rule Effects on the Results of Market Efficiency Tests--A Comparative test of several Widely Used Trading Rules JIMMY D . CHEN conference
1987-11 A Conceputual Framework for Trading Rule Market Efficiency Test with and Improved Trading Rule JIMMY D . CHEN、Chung, C. H. conference
1987 An Integrated Decision Support System for Academic Effort Planning and Review JIMMY D . CHEN、Chen Jimmy D.、 Chung, C. H. article
1989 The Month-of-the-Year Effect as a Profitable Trading Rule in Hong Kong Common Stock Market JIMMY D . CHEN article
1983 臺灣的貿易結構與出口競爭型態 游坤敏 conference
1981-08 我國輸出商品組成結構與競爭型態之分析 游坤敏 conference
1984 課稅的權力 NORMAN YIN conference
1988 我國金融制度與金融政策 侯金英 conference
1982 財務管理 NORMAN YIN conference
1982 消費稅的經濟分析 NORMAN YIN book/chapter
1981 財務管理 張春雄 book/chapter
1980 歐洲美元市場與國際金融 張春雄 book/chapter
1986-12 投資學與投資問題 NORMAN YIN article web page(1161)
1980-12 國際貨幣制度與我國貨幣政策 侯金英 article pdf(1602)
1986-06 反映與不反映之間:對國內油價調整的研析與看法 李金桐、梁滿潮、林安樂、NORMAN YIN article web page(1119)
1988-09 金融自由化與中小企業融資之研究 侯金英 article
1987-06 利率、?率動向與企業經營策略 侯金英 article
1983-12 營利事業所得稅與個人所得稅兩稅統合制之商榷 NORMAN YIN article web page(964)
1984-01 加值型營業稅法草案質疑 NORMAN YIN article web page(1069)
1985-05 加值型營業稅的物價問題 NORMAN YIN article web page(955)
1985-06 從整體稅制來談革新 NORMAN YIN article web page(1098)
1987-02 如何做好投資規劃 NORMAN YIN article web page(919)
1987-11 充滿機會與危險的外匯操作 NORMAN YIN article web page(953)
1984-09 貨物稅面面觀 NORMAN YIN article web page(1001)