All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、2000-2009)

Showing 901-925 of 11819
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-12 國際購併組合及品牌名稱對消費者態度之影響--以銀行業為例 JYH-SHEN CHIOU、謝佳宏、葉相億、JYH-SHEN CHIOU、Hsieh, Chia-hung、Yeh, Hsiang-i article web page(1029)
2003-12 臺指選擇權手續費調降對期貨商營運績效之實證分析 WEI-KUANG CHENWEIYU KUO article pdf(1002)
2006-03 Evolution of Momentum and Popularity SHWU-JANE SHIEHSHWU-JANE SHIEH article pdf(1232)
2002-03 新臺幣實質有效匯率指數之動態分析 曹添旺、CHING- CHONG LAI、鍾俊文、BIING-SHEN KUO、蔡文禎 article
2004-10 The Impact of East Asian Economic Integration on Taiwan KUN-MING CHEN、周濟、郭迺鋒 article
2007-06 從日韓貿易興革論臺灣貿易業之經營創新 MENG-CHIA TSAI article
2002-11 點石成金的資料礦掘與策略管理的實踐 YEE-TIEN FU、呂伊婷 article
2007-12 企業併購確實能為股東創造更多利益嗎? 丁憲浩、LEN-KUO HU、莊雙喜 article pdf(1049)
2003-01 An Empirical Study on Informed Trading on the Taiwan Stock Exchange WEIYU KUO、胡桂華、WEIYU KUO、 Hu, Kuihwa article web page(1192)
2003-04 An Empirical Study on Informed Trading on the Taiwan Stock Exchange WEIYU KUO、K.Hu article
2004 借貸限制與市場流動性 林鳴琴、YEONG-YUH CHIANGBIING-SHEN KUOBIING-SHEN KUO article web page(1224)
2003 Antitrust Laws and the Relationship between Mergers Stock Prices and Industrial Production: A Cointegration Approach KUN-MING CHENHSIU-HUA RAUKUN-MING CHENHSIU-HUA RAU article pdf(1502)
2003 Should A Company Have Message Boards on Its Web Sites JYH-SHEN CHIOUJYH-SHEN CHIOU、Cheng,Cathy article pdf(1179)
2001 Global Equity Styles and Industry Effects: the Pre-eminence of Value Relative to Size WEIYU KUOWEIYU KUO、 Satchell, Stephen E. article pdf(1068)
2006-05 Why a multinational firm chooses expatriates: Integrating resource-based agency and transaction costs perspectives DANCHI TAN、Tan,Dan-Chi、Joseph T. Mahoney article pdf(1011)
2001 How Sure Are We About purchasing power parity (PPP)? Panel Evidence with the Null of Stationary Real Exchange Rates BIING-SHEN KUO、Anne Mikkola、BIING-SHEN KUO article pdf(1097)
2003-09 An Empirical Study on the Lapse Rate: The Cointegration Approach WEIYU KUOCHENG-HSIEN TSAIWEI-KUANG CHENWEIYU KUOCHENG-HSIEN TSAI article pdf(1195)
2002 Does Customer Knowledge Affect How Loyalty is Formed? JYH-SHEN CHIOU、Cornelia Droge、Sangphet Hanvanich、JYH-SHEN CHIOU article pdf(978)
2003-01 Examining Intraday Returns with Buy/Sell Information SHINN-JUH LINSHINN-JUH LIN、Yang, Jian article pdf(1062)
2004 The Effect of Franchisor`s Communication Service Assistance and Competitive Advantage on Franchisee`s Intention to Remain in the Franchise System JYH-SHEN CHIOUJYH-SHEN CHIOU、 Hsieh,Chia-Hung 、 Yang,Ching-Hsien article pdf(1096)
2001 Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Among College Students in the United States,Taiwan,and Argentina JYH-SHEN CHIOUJYH-SHEN CHIOU article pdf(1070)
2005 Antecedents of Taiwanese Adolescents’ Purchase Intention toward the Merchandise of A Celebrity: The Moderating Effect of Celebrity Adoration JYH-SHEN CHIOUJYH-SHEN CHIOU、 Huang,Chien-yi、 Chuang,Min-Chieh article pdf(1549)
2006-01 Service Quality Trust Specific Asset Investment and Expertise: Direct and Indirect Effects in a Satisfaction-Loyalty Framework JYH-SHEN CHIOUJYH-SHEN CHIOU、 Droge, Cornelia article pdf(782)
2005-06 Inflation and Pattern of Trade in a Dynamic Specific-Factors Model with Money Shi-Feng Chuang、Teh-Ming Huo、PO-SHENG LIN article pdf(664)
2003 The Limits to the Growth of Multinational Firms in a Foreign Market DANCHI TAN、Tan,Dan-Chi article pdf(1160)