All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、2000-2009)

Showing 1501-1525 of 11819
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006 Corporate Ownership Structure and Accuracy and Bias of Mandatory Earnings Forecast: Evidence from Taiwan CHEN-LUNG CHIN、Gary Kleinman、Picheng Phil Le、Mei-Feng Lin、CHEN-LUNG CHIN、 Kleinman, Gary 、 Lee, Picheng 、CHEN-LUNG CHIN article pdf(1358)
2004-01 IPO Anomalies and Innovation Capitals: Evidence from Taiwan CHEN-LUNG CHIN、P.Pee conference
2004 Conference Calls and Innovation: evidence from an emerging market CHEN-LUNG CHIN、P.P Lee conference
2004 On the association between under-pricing in IPOs and mandatory management forecast: evidence from an emerging market CHEN-LUNG CHIN、H.W Lin conference
2003 新上市公司異常現象與創新程度關係之研究 CHEN-LUNG CHIN、曾佩瑜、LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU conference
2003 Earnings Forecasts Disclosure Regulation and Earnings Management by IPO Firms to Meet the Forecast Error Threshold CHEN-LUNG CHIN、Jaggi.B、H.W Lin、P.P Lee conference
2003 Bsrriers to International Accounting Harmonization: The Taiwan Experience CHUNG-YUAN HSU、A. Ong conference
2002 非營利組織與績效管理 CHUNG-YUAN HSU conference
2001-09 我國應儘速建立非營利組織一般公認會計原則 CHUNG-YUAN HSU conference
2001 我國非營利組織財務公開相關問題之研究 CHUNG-YUAN HSU conference
2000 從財務觀點看「非政府組織法的立法原則」 CHUNG-YUAN HSU conference
2004-01 更換威脅對會計師獨立性之影響 張文靜、LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU、林修葳 conference
2003-03 運用CORPS建立高等教育機構績效衡量指標-以政大學務處為例 LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU、劉晏秀 conference
2001-09 中美日公私立大專院校會計準則之比較研究-以教育部補助款等會計處理為例 LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU、林嬋娟、WEN-YING WANG conference
2001 自願性盈餘預測公司之盈餘管理行為與審計品質影響 張文靜、LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU、林修葳 conference
2000-11 審計品質維持前期盈餘績效公司盈餘管理行為影響之研究 LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU、張文靜、林修葳 conference
2004-01 跨國企業之ERP會計系統架構分析 KUO-HUA CHOUJIIN-FENG CHEN conference
2003-11 網際網路企業報導:機會與挑戰 JIIN-FENG CHEN conference
2003-01 XBRL應用於我國會計資訊市場之研究-以客製化財務報導為例 JIIN-FENG CHEN、詹家鴻 conference
2002-01 會計師簽證私立大學校財務報表之效益與影響研究 LING-TAI LYNETTE CHOU、張文靜 conference pdf(1896)
2005-06 會計師教育、考試制度與國際相互認許之研究 SHEREES MA conference
2001 Experimental Evidence of the Effects of the Incentive Design in the Value of Communication WU-CHUN CHI、H.C Yu、T,C Wang conference pdf(1233)
2004-12 Who Gains from Trade? Evidence from Taiwan Brad Barber、李怡宗、Yu-Jane Liu、Terrance Odean conference pdf(5218)
2006-01 Who Loses from Trade? Evidence from Taiwan Brad Barber、李怡宗、Yu-Jane Liu、Terrance Odean conference pdf(2388)
2003 The property rights multitask crossover effects and incentive contracts HUNG-CHAO YU conference pdf(1675)