All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、2000-2009)

Showing 1051-1075 of 1802
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-05 二次世界大戰後蘇聯對外政策本質之爭論的再省思 DING-SHU WANG conference
2005 美俄關係現況與展望 DING-SHU WANG conference
2005 中俄戰略互動對台灣之戰略意涵 DING-SHU WANG conference
2004 The successful experience of small and medium enterprises in Taiwan: Its implication for Russia DING-SHU WANG conference
2004 Interaction of Small and Big Business on Taiwan DING-SHU WANG conference
2000 Russia’s China policy and the Security in APR DING-SHU WANG conference
2002 從政治外交層面看南錐禿鷹行動引發之人權爭議 : 以智利皮諾契政權為例 REN-RANG CHYOU book/chapter pdf(815)
2006 中國研究 : 理論與實際 李英明 book/chapter pdf(1280)
2005 新制度主義與社會資本 李英明 book/chapter pdf(1310)
2004 國際關係理論的啟蒙與反思 李英明 book/chapter pdf(1147)
2003 中國大陸經濟發展與市場轉型 AI WEI book/chapter pdf(1842)
2002 俄羅斯對中國政策之內外在動因及其侷限,1992-2002 DING-SHU WANG book/chapter pdf(1055)
2002 中東歐之經驗與啟示 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter pdf(908)
2003-04 俄羅斯遠東區的經濟開發 WU-PING KWOWU-PING KWO article pdf(370)
2009 The study of the impact on Russia foreign trade of participating in APEC 陳芑錠 thesis web page(394)
2002 A Study of Clinton Administration`s Policy toward North Korea`s Nuclear Crisis, 1992~94 許柏逸 thesis web page(154)
2007 The accountability of international nongovernmental organizations 趙紫軒 thesis
2009 Germany`s overseas military deployment: 1191-2009 謝佳振、Hsieh, Chia Cheng thesis
2009 The research of negotiation patterns with Chinese communist party 張瀚文、Frank, Chang thesis
2009 The movement of Lebanon`s Hezbollah: the study of modern Shi`i Salafism 陳健聖 thesis
2009 Diasporas and international relations-Case study of algerian diasporas in France 賴怡君 thesis
2009 Public opinion and foreign policy—study of the french public opinion reflected by le monde and France-United States bilateral relations 曾雅玲、Tseng, Yaling thesis
2009 Brand Marketing and Creative Industries: the Study of Taiwan`s Public Diplomacy 許家榮 thesis
2009 A study on China and Kazakhstan`s relationships 1992-2009 李政昆 thesis
2009 The Form Factors and Contents of China`s Independent Foreign Policy in the 17th congress of the Chinese communist party: 林書蘅 thesis